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The following examples are presented as is. They accompany the
paper ``Non-commutative Elimination in Ore Algebras Proves
Multivariate Identities'', by Frederic Chyzak and Bruno Salvy.
Some results of this session may differ from those of the paper due
to changes in the program. For the reason of changes and new bugs,
I also did not reproduce all the examples of the paper. This will
be done in the future.
Frederic Chyzak, July 8, 1997.
Change this according to your configuration.
> libname:=`/export/chyzak/ArchivesMgfun/Lib2.0-5.4-released`,libname:
> with(Ore_algebra):
> with(Groebner):
Section 1.4.1. Jacobi polynomials
> A:=skew_algebra(comm=[a,b],shift=[Sn,n],diff=[Dx,x]):
> G:=[2*(n+2)*(n+a+b+2)*(2*n+a+b+2)*Sn^2
> -((2*n+a+b+3)*(a^2-b^2)+(2*n+a+b+2)
> *(2*n+a+b+3)*(2*n+a+b+4)*x)*Sn
> +2*(n+a+1)*(n+b+1)*(2*n+a+b+4),
> (2*n+a+b+2)*(1-x^2)*Dx*Sn-(n+1)
> *(a-b-(2*n+a+b+2)*x)*Sn-2*(n+a+1)*(n+b+1)]:
> skew_elim(G[1],G[2],Sn,A);
bytes used=2017600, alloc=1834672, time=0.51
bytes used=4163208, alloc=2752008, time=1.11
bytes used=6202136, alloc=2883056, time=1.67
bytes used=8213832, alloc=3276200, time=2.16
bytes used=10214232, alloc=3276200, time=2.77
2 2 2 2
-n a - n - n b - n + Dx a x + Dx x b + 2 Dx x + Dx a - Dx b + Dx x - Dx
Section 1.4.2. Gauss's hypergeometric function
> A:=skew_algebra(comm=[b,c],diff=[Dz,z],shift=[Sa,a]):
> P:=z*(1-z)*Dz^2+(c-(a+b+1)*z)*Dz-a*b:
> H:=a*Sa-(z*Dz+a):
> skew_elim(P,H,Dz,A);
2 2 2
a + z a Sa - 2 a Sa - z a Sa + a Sa - c + 1 - z b Sa - 2 Sa + Sa c + Sa
+ z Sa - z Sa
> A:=skew_algebra(comm=[a,b,c],diff=[Dz,z]):
> GCD:=skew_gcdex(P,z*Dz+a,Dz,A):
> B:=collect((a-1)*subs(a=a-1,GCD[3]/GCD[1]),Dz,factor);
z (-1 + z) Dz -c + z b + a
B := ------------- + ------------
a - c a - c
Section 1.4.3. Partially hypergeometric series
> A:=shift_algebra([Sn,n],[Sk,k],[comm,z]):
> h:=(-1)^k*binomial(n,k)^2*binomial(n+k,k)^2;
k 2 2
h := (-1) binomial(n, k) binomial(n + k, k)
> G:=numer(normal({Sn-subs(n=n+1,h)/h,Sk-subs(k=k+1,h)/h},expanded)):
> G:=collect(G,{Sn,Sk},factor);
2 2 4 2 2
G := {Sn (n + 1 - k) - (n + 1 + k) , Sk (k + 1) + (n + 1 + k) (n - k) }
> L:=op(select(has,G,Sk));
4 2 2
L := Sk (k + 1) + (n + 1 + k) (n - k)
You can run this if you have gfun in the share library.
Otherwise, here is the result.
> M:=z^3*(z+1)*Dz^4+2*z^2*(4*z+3)*Dz^3-z*(-14*z+2*z*n+2*z*n^2-7)*Dz^2
> +(-4*z*n^2+4*z-4*z*n+1)*Dz+(n+1)^2*n^2;
3 4 2 3 2 2
M := z (z + 1) Dz + 2 z (4 z + 3) Dz - z (-14 z + 2 z n + 2 z n - 7) Dz
2 2 2
+ (-4 z n + 4 z - 4 z n + 1) Dz + (n + 1) n
> H:=Sn;
H := Sn
Naive method that returns an operator of order 7.
> normal(applyopr(H,h,A)/h,expanded);
bytes used=12215312, alloc=3276200, time=3.56
2 2
n + 2 n + 2 n k + 1 + 2 k + k
2 2
n + 2 n - 2 n k + 1 - 2 k + k
> P:=numer("): Q:=denom(""):
> A:=skew_algebra(diff=[Dz,z],shift=[Sn,n]):
> P2:=collect(subs({seq(k^i=skew_power(z*Dz,i,A),
> i=1..degree(P,k))},P),Dz,factor);
2 2 2
P2 := z Dz + z (2 n + 3) Dz + (n + 1)
> Q2:=collect(subs({seq(k^i=skew_power(z*Dz,i,A),
> i=1..degree(Q,k))},Q),Dz,factor);
2 2 2
Q2 := z Dz - z (2 n + 1) Dz + (n + 1)
> collect(Q2*H-P2,{Dz,Sn},distributed,factor);
2 2 2 2 2
(n + 1) Sn + z Dz Sn - z (2 n + 1) Dz Sn - z Dz - z (2 n + 3) Dz
- (n + 1)
The contiguity relation of order 7 is:
> C[7]:=collect(skew_elim(",M,Dz,A),Sn,factor);
bytes used=14216616, alloc=3276200, time=4.34
bytes used=16251064, alloc=3276200, time=5.04
bytes used=18251464, alloc=3276200, time=5.64
bytes used=20289056, alloc=3276200, time=6.30
bytes used=22358432, alloc=3276200, time=6.91
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bytes used=28387464, alloc=3538296, time=8.40
bytes used=30483544, alloc=3669344, time=8.91
bytes used=32503384, alloc=3931440, time=9.41
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bytes used=502008496, alloc=11008032, time=200.15
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bytes used=506018200, alloc=11008032, time=202.26
bytes used=508018872, alloc=11008032, time=203.37
2 4 6
C[7] := -(2 n + 5) (2 n + 3) (n + 3) (2 n + 7) (n + 6) (n + 7) (80 n z
6 2 6 5 5 5 2 4
+ 64 n z + 16 n + 336 n + 1680 n z + 1344 n z + 14024 z n
4 2 4 3 2 3 3 2
+ 11068 n z + 2812 n + 59136 z n + 45192 z n + 11928 n + 26929 n
2 2 2 2
+ 132146 z n + 95317 z n + 148470 z n + 97839 z n + 30723 n + 65892 z
2 7 2
+ 37926 z + 13926) Sn - (2 n + 5) (2 n + 3) (n + 3) (2 n + 13) (n + 6)
3 2 3 3 2 2
(5805308712 z n + 4496164156 z n - 267188865 n + 7294149117 z n
3 5 2
+ 4178435604 z n - 90076386 + 35742924 z + 747533139 n z
4 2 5 3 4 3 5
+ 2446159284 n z + 684014160 n z + 2167153888 n z - 2810946 n z
3 7 6 5 6
+ 1260508536 z - 237936 n z - 1157982 n z - 36558969 n - 7634895 n
7 2 6 2 2
- 1064208 n - 343911303 n + 153854757 n z + 1942323726 z
4 3 2 2 3
- 118027892 n - 253024934 n + 5719229619 z n + 5308699674 z n
3 8 8 2 7 2 8
+ 21778944 z n - 27864 n z + 1854108 n z + 21115680 n z - 94980 n
4 8 3 7 3 6 3
+ 217344 z n + 1781376 n z + 20079744 n z + 144030240 n z
2 10 9 10 2
+ 74932194 z n + 61213146 z n - 112 n - 4912 n + 2112 n z
9 2 9 10 9 3 10 3 6
+ 94272 n z - 1776 n z - 48 n z + 91136 n z + 2048 n z ) Sn -
3 2 3 3
(2 n + 5) (2 n + 3) (2 n + 11) (13682650948296 z n + 13511037661940 z n
2 2 3
+ 85986404676 n + 7414419736502 z n + 8210026188432 z n
4 12 4 10 4
+ 1002247646400 z + 966656 n z + 282250162032 z + 418210816 n z
11 4 5 2 4 2
+ 25930752 n z + 2115800273987 n z + 4661946810770 n z
5 3 4 3 4 2
+ 4053512450028 n z + 8838498205900 n z + 7022713614000 z n
4 3 5 4 8
+ 7210521226000 z n + 483287935450 n z + 34459329792 z n
3 7 6 5
+ 2200064944896 z + 38728426434 n z + 159600076920 n z + 42906452495 n
6 7 2 4 9
+ 14420346306 n + 3564500133 n + 142476377942 n + 4517690624 z n
6 2 13 12 2
+ 694980071674 n z + 336 n + 19392 n + 1240168995240 z
4 3 4 7
+ 92611050594 n + 140759325855 n + 190570480448 z n
4 5 13 4 2
+ 2284329208368 z n + 16384 n z + 4528595526708 z n
2 3 3 8
+ 7214712213739 z n + 1637039252154 z n + 6914943860 n z
13 3 8 2 7 2 12 3
+ 26624 n z + 29689194154 n z + 167545606625 n z + 1580032 n z
13 2 12 2 8 13 12
+ 13120 n z + 783872 n z + 648860962 n + 3216 n z + 189888 n z
4 4 4 4
+ 1060559347776 z n + 4862476649552 z n + 4004292023424 z n
4 6 8 3 7 3
+ 771940158784 z n + 58286832432 n z + 326533490992 n z
6 3 2
+ 1343604801980 n z + 1027535345112 z n + 1680767812396 z n
10 9 11 10 2
+ 8079996 n + 86013981 n + 509884 n + 348550828 n z
9 2 9 10 9 3
+ 3824465873 n z + 898404042 n z + 82653816 n z + 7559783776 n z
11 2 11 3 10 3 11
+ 21306988 n z + 42668928 n z + 693507584 n z + 5104760 n z
5 3 2
+ 23350952808) Sn + (2 n + 9) (2 n + 3) (2 n + 13) (13910092243648 z n
3 3 2 2
+ 15156416516288 z n + 46053809388 n + 8311331715330 z n
3 4 12 4
+ 7602320946336 z n + 807866136000 z + 2605056 n z + 231596949360 z
10 4 11 4 5 2
+ 906654720 n z + 62702592 n z + 3231341124665 n z
4 2 5 3 4 3
+ 6396147845746 n z + 5603671818176 n z + 10987462278952 n z
4 2 4 3 5
+ 6631955306064 z n + 7461641061744 z n + 634562643130 n z
4 8 3 7
+ 60008279808 z n + 1866003515040 z + 62787989214 n z
6 5 6 7
+ 232646448964 n z + 33085521973 n + 12249111378 n + 3338131859 n
2 4 9 6 2 13
+ 83182050706 n + 8777472768 z n + 1185181654754 n z + 560 n
12 2 4 3
+ 29440 n + 1160209491000 z + 64925778266 n + 89917367765 n
4 7 4 5 13 4
+ 297655968192 z n + 2884936058448 z n + 49152 n z
2 2 3 3
+ 4623878113500 z n + 8926613181009 z n + 1758422210082 z n
8 13 3 8 2 7 2
+ 12483737564 n z + 90112 n z + 63547672678 n z + 319814508279 n z
12 3 13 2 12 2 8
+ 4782080 n z + 50368 n z + 2676224 n z + 670104558 n
13 12 4 4 4
+ 9968 n z + 528640 n z + 1257462926348 z n + 5546371391664 z n
4 4 6 8 3
+ 3476991692160 z n + 1082954631744 z n + 112293555296 n z
7 3 6 3
+ 562342435424 n z + 2071109198296 n z + 917574777528 z n
2 10 9 11
+ 1642199836716 z n + 10136540 n + 97936163 n + 704100 n
10 2 9 2 9 10
+ 941280204 n z + 9191040175 n z + 1807328726 n z + 185331192 n z
9 3 11 2 11 3
+ 16305338944 n z + 64691060 n z + 115392256 n z
10 3 11 4
+ 1675034624 n z + 12756616 n z + 11523220920) Sn - (2 n + 7)
3 2 3 3
(2 n + 3) (2 n + 13) (8531414872896 z n + 9712518187968 z n
2 2 3
+ 34497078156 n + 4859515283350 z n + 4468121065632 z n
4 12 4 10 4
+ 484905960000 z + 2506752 n z + 127804460880 z + 804842496 n z
11 4 5 2 4 2
+ 57984000 n z + 2207367226009 n z + 4150173636854 n z
5 3 4 3 4 2
+ 3930740514624 n z + 7363953429720 n z + 4245061542960 z n
4 3 5 4 8
+ 4954911455088 z n + 8428824360 + 447680623994 n z + 48974588160 z n
3 7 6 5
+ 1052358864480 z + 48624025054 n z + 172031841612 n z + 27352736917 n
6 7 2 4 9
+ 10382799574 n + 2900711699 n + 63836711782 n + 7473224448 z n
6 2 13 12 2
+ 851895678246 n z + 560 n + 28800 n + 610197447720 z
4 3 4 7
+ 52351911278 n + 70724042517 n + 232808309184 z n
4 5 13 4 2
+ 2074421627472 z n + 49152 n z + 2564826281340 z n
2 3 3 8
+ 5499248038545 z n + 1126781871522 z n + 10115487316 n z
13 3 8 2 7 2 12 3
+ 90112 n z + 50463545810 n z + 241721896055 n z + 4589568 n z
13 2 12 2 8 13 12
+ 50368 n z + 2562048 n z + 596796138 n + 9968 n z + 508032 n z
4 4 4 4
+ 845762274820 z n + 3829409246160 z n + 2151373929600 z n
4 6 8 3 7 3
+ 811887892416 z n + 90406827424 n z + 432470082144 n z
6 3 2
+ 1521125868328 n z + 532621021560 z n + 1001893454084 z n
10 9 11 10 2
+ 9471620 n + 89361763 n + 673380 n + 822649876 n z
9 2 9 10 9 3
+ 7661023215 n z + 1530795606 n z + 163909832 n z + 13735426624 n z
11 2 11 3 10 3 11
+ 59210612 n z + 106151680 n z + 1475258368 n z + 11767432 n z)
3 3 2
Sn + (2 n + 5) (2 n + 13) (2 n + 11) (369397670424 z n
3 3 2 2
+ 519696090996 z n + 4434266916 n + 125422522194 z n
3 4 12 4
+ 155812968720 z n + 19845000000 z + 737280 n z + 3989481552 z
10 4 11 4 5 2
+ 179682304 n z + 14920704 n z + 133451236003 n z
4 2 5 3 4 3
+ 194504508774 n z + 315665832108 n z + 484252867348 n z
4 2 4 3 5
+ 244498146000 z n + 341168970000 z n + 41624849882 n z
4 8 3 7 6
+ 8035664640 z n + 29438640000 z + 6507045058 n z + 19278024184 n z
5 6 7 2
+ 6182227951 n + 2689603670 n + 858452261 n + 9462409362 n
4 9 6 2 13 12
+ 1435778304 z n + 65065622078 n z + 336 n + 15552 n
2 4 3 4 7
+ 6911840376 z + 10297384054 n + 12083336671 n + 32398803776 z n
4 5 13 4 2
+ 204293021232 z n + 16384 n z + 45826603284 z n
2 3 3 8 13 3
+ 194646861355 z n + 70073637818 z n + 1602053980 n z + 26624 n z
8 2 7 2 12 3 13 2
+ 5846250782 n z + 22915448929 n z + 1188864 n z + 13120 n z
12 2 8 13 12
+ 580608 n z + 201021446 n + 3216 n z + 144576 n z
4 4 4 4
+ 64633238480 z n + 315535254320 z n + 104050800000 z n
4 6 8 3 7 3
+ 95267825856 z n + 12638717904 n z + 50670026032 n z
6 3 2 10
+ 148124954820 n z + 21208829592 z n + 50161182276 z n + 4079140 n
9 11 10 2 9 2
+ 34114141 n + 325564 n + 136576628 n z + 1069412113 n z
9 10 9 3 11 2
+ 284375882 n z + 35403464 n z + 2271110496 n z + 11550316 n z
11 3 10 3 11 2
+ 23892864 n z + 285908480 n z + 2929784 n z + 939708216) Sn +
2 3 2
(2 n + 11) (2 n + 3) (n + 5) (2 n + 13) (n + 2) (723291528 z n
3 3 2 2 3
+ 733073092 z n - 35950959 n + 807453069 z n + 404481900 z n
5 2 4 2 5 3
- 16917444 z + 205519773 n z + 501150588 n z + 194382768 n z
4 3 5 3 7
+ 466223200 n z - 11678046 n z + 97335000 z - 9631386 - 402576 n z
6 5 6 7 2
- 2671326 n z - 12667479 n - 3326031 n - 578544 n - 58553847 n
6 2 2 4 3
+ 56145957 n z + 112682934 z - 32345036 n - 54664538 n
2 2 3 3 8
+ 460142493 z n + 802740966 z n - 65617152 z n - 38232 n z
8 2 7 2 8 4
+ 1149084 n z + 10105824 n z - 63876 n - 34080048 z n
8 3 7 3 6 3
+ 1117824 n z + 9780096 n z + 53820960 n z - 55681602 z n
2 10 9 10 2 9 2
- 79896102 z n - 112 n - 4048 n + 2112 n z + 74688 n z
9 10 9 3 10 3
- 2064 n z - 48 n z + 72704 n z + 2048 n z ) Sn + (n + 5)
2 4 6 6 2
(2 n + 13) (2 n + 11) (2 n + 9) (n + 2) (n + 1) (80 n z + 64 n z
6 5 5 5 2 4 4 2
+ 16 n + 432 n + 2160 n z + 1728 n z + 23624 z n + 18748 n z
4 3 2 3 3 2 2
+ 4732 n + 133632 z n + 104184 z n + 26856 n + 83185 n + 411698 z n
2 2 2
+ 311701 z n + 655146 z n + 475425 z n + 133389 n + 421428 z
+ 288750 z + 86670)
(This needs several minutes.)
Improved method that returns an operator of order 3.
> GCD:=subs(n=n+1,skew_gcdex(subs(n=n-1,Q2),M,Dz,A)):
bytes used=510020088, alloc=11008032, time=204.34
> U:=collect(GCD[2],Dz,factor);
3 3 2 2
U := 4 z (z + 1) Dz + 3 z (z n + 9 z + n + 5) Dz
2 2 2 3
- z (-9 - 31 z + 3 z n + 6 z n - 7 n - 2 n ) Dz + 3 n + 3 n + n + 1
2 3
- 4 z - 24 z n - 21 z n - 5 z n
> factor(GCD[1]);
(n + 1)
We reduce U&*P/GCD[1] modulo M.
> PR:=collect(skew_product(U,P2,A),Dz,factor):
> PDIV:=skew_pdiv(PR,M,Dz,A):
Therefore, H=Sn is
> R:=collect(PDIV[3]/PDIV[1]/GCD[1],Dz,factor);
3 3 2 2
z (z + 1) Dz z (2 z n + 2 n + 11 + 14 z) Dz
R := 12 -------------- + 4 --------------------------------
3 3
(n + 1) (n + 1)
2 2
z (-n + 5 z n - 4 n + 2 z n - 9 z - 6) Dz -n + 16 z n - 1 + 4 z
- 4 ------------------------------------------- - ---------------------
3 n + 1
(n + 1)
(Fraction-free) Gaussian elimination:
> T[1]:=[1,1]:
> T[Sn]:=[numer(R),denom(R)]:
> T[Sn^2]:=[skew_product(subs(n=n+1,"[1]),numer(R),A),subs(n=n+1,"[2])*denom(R)]:
> T[Sn^3]:=[skew_product(subs(n=n+1,"[1]),numer(R),A),subs(n=n+1,"[2])*denom(R)]:
bytes used=512067376, alloc=11008032, time=205.23
> T[Sn^4]:=[skew_product(subs(n=n+1,"[1]),numer(R),A),subs(n=n+1,"[2])*denom(R)]:
> skew_pdiv(T[Sn^2][1],M,Dz,A):
bytes used=514071552, alloc=11008032, time=205.87
> T[Sn^2]:=["[3],T[Sn^2][2]*"[1]]:
> skew_pdiv(T[Sn^3][1],M,Dz,A):
bytes used=516158280, alloc=11008032, time=206.64
> T[Sn^3]:=["[3],T[Sn^3][2]*"[1]]:
> skew_pdiv(T[Sn^4][1],M,Dz,A):
bytes used=518177776, alloc=11008032, time=207.37
bytes used=520213824, alloc=11008032, time=208.05
bytes used=522223488, alloc=11008032, time=208.75
bytes used=524283112, alloc=11008032, time=209.43
> T[Sn^4]:=["[3],T[Sn^4][2]*"[1]]:
> Z:=collect(add(eta[i]*T[Sn^i][1]/T[Sn^i][2],i=0..4),Dz,numer@normal):
> SOL:=solve({coeffs(Z,Dz)},{seq(eta[i],i=0..4)}):
bytes used=526922504, alloc=11008032, time=210.19
bytes used=528922792, alloc=11008032, time=211.84
bytes used=530926000, alloc=11008032, time=212.80
bytes used=533848112, alloc=11008032, time=213.68
bytes used=542407712, alloc=13497944, time=215.90
The contiguity relation of order 4 is:
> C[4]:=collect(primpart(subs(SOL,add(eta[i]*Sn^i,i=0..4)),Sn),Sn,factor);
bytes used=544408192, alloc=13497944, time=217.01
C[4] :=
3 2 2 4
(n + 3) (2 n + 3) (n + 4) (16 z n + 4 n + 64 z n + 16 n + 63 z + 15) Sn
4 4 2 4 2 3
+ (2 n + 3) (n + 3) (2 n + 7) (32 z n + 256 n z - 8 n + 2816 z n
3 3 2 2 2 2
- 88 n + 352 z n - 350 n + 1418 z n + 11344 z n + 2445 z n - 591 n
2 2 3 3 2
+ 19752 z n + 12516 z - 354 + 1482 z) Sn + (2 n + 5) (2162304 z n
3 3 2 2 3
+ 1216000 z n + 10735 n + 2141280 z n + 2011520 z n + 151522 z
5 2 4 2 5 3 4 3 5
+ 61440 n z + 377024 n z + 61440 n z + 377600 n z + 12960 n z
3 6 5 6 2 6 2
+ 764400 z + 864 n z + 360 n + 24 n + 11997 n + 4096 n z
2 4 3 2 2 3
+ 745500 z + 2194 n + 6940 n + 1978400 z n + 1210240 z n
3 4 6 3 2
+ 253540 z n + 79354 z n + 4096 n z + 407275 z n + 445305 z n + 3886)
2 4 4 4 2 3
Sn + (2 n + 3) (n + 2) (2 n + 7) (32 z n - 8 n + 256 n z + 288 z n
2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2
+ 2304 z n - 72 n + 7504 z n + 938 z n - 230 n + 10488 z n - 309 n
+ 1335 z n - 149 + 5356 z + 707 z) Sn
3 2 2
+ (2 n + 7) (n + 2) (n + 1) (16 z n + 4 n + 24 n + 96 z n + 143 z + 35)
Section 1.4.4 Sylvester's dialytic elimination
> A:=shift_algebra([Sn,n],[Sm,m],[comm,alpha],[comm,x],polynom=m):
> (-1)^m*GAMMA(alpha+n-m)/m!/(n-2*m)!*(2*x)^(n-2*m):
> numer(normal([Sn-subs(n=n+1,")/",Sm-subs(m=m+1,")/"],expanded)):
> skew_elim(op("),m,A);
2 2
2 x Sn Sm n + 2 x Sm Sn + 2 x Sn alpha Sm - n - Sn Sm n - 2 Sm Sn - 2 alpha
> map(collect,series(",Sm=1),Sn,factor);
((-n - 2) Sn + 2 x (n + alpha + 1) Sn - n - 2 alpha) +
((-n - 2) Sn + 2 x (n + alpha + 1) Sn) (Sm - 1)
Section 1.5. First example (Jacobi polynomials)
> A:=skew_algebra(comm=[a,b],shift=[Sn,n],diff=[Dx,x]):
> G:=[2*(n+2)*(n+a+b+2)*(2*n+a+b+2)*Sn^2
> -((2*n+a+b+3)*(a^2-b^2)+(2*n+a+b+2)
> *(2*n+a+b+3)*(2*n+a+b+4)*x)*Sn
> +2*(n+a+1)*(n+b+1)*(2*n+a+b+4),
> (2*n+a+b+2)*(1-x^2)*Dx*Sn-(n+1)
> *(a-b-(2*n+a+b+2)*x)*Sn-2*(n+a+1)*(n+b+1)]:
> T:=termorder(A,plex(Sn,Dx)):
> remove(has,gbasis(G,T),Sn);
bytes used=546408584, alloc=13497944, time=218.00
bytes used=548438184, alloc=13497944, time=219.00
bytes used=550452656, alloc=13497944, time=219.78
bytes used=552469688, alloc=13497944, time=220.60
2 2 2 2
[Dx x + Dx a x + 2 Dx x + Dx b x + Dx a - n a - n - n b - Dx - Dx b - n ]
Section 2.2.2. Example of addition of partial finite functions
The methods by rectangular systems or by the FGLM algorithm are not
directly available in Mgfun2.0, so that they are not demonstrated.
The method by intersection of ideals is as follows.
> A:=diff_algebra([Dx,x],[Dy,y],[comm,mu],[comm,nu],[comm,t],polynom=t):
> T:=termorder(A,lexdeg([t],[Dx,Dy])):
> G:=[t*(Dx-mu),t*(Dy-nu),(1-t)*(x^2*Dx^2+x*Dx+x^2-mu^2),
> (1-t)*(y^2*Dy^2+y*Dy+y^2-nu^2)];
2 2 2 2
G := [t (Dx - mu), t (Dy - nu), (1 - t) (Dx x + Dx x + x - mu ),
2 2 2 2
(1 - t) (y Dy + y Dy + y - nu )]
> GB:=gbasis(G,T):
bytes used=554470048, alloc=13497944, time=221.62
bytes used=556470896, alloc=13497944, time=222.55
> collect(remove(has,GB,t),{Dx,Dy},distributed,factor);
bytes used=558471272, alloc=13497944, time=223.44
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
[y nu x - y nu mu + y nu x - x y mu + x nu mu - x mu y - y nu mu
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
+ x mu nu + x (y - nu + y nu + y nu) Dx
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
- y (x mu + x mu + x - mu ) Dy - y (x mu + x mu + x - mu ) Dy
2 2 2 2 2 2
+ x (y - nu + y nu + y nu) Dx ,
2 2 2 2 4 3 4 2 3 4 4 2
-nu (-y - 2 y nu - nu + nu + y nu - nu y - 3 y nu + y + y nu )
2 2 4 4 2 4 2 4 2 2 3 3
+ (-y - nu + y - nu y + y nu + nu - 4 y nu - y nu ) Dy
2 2 3 3 3 3 2
- y (-y - 2 y nu + 3 nu + y nu + y nu - y nu ) Dy
2 2 2 2 2 3
+ y (y - nu + y nu + y nu) Dy , -mu (y - nu) (y + nu)
2 2 2 2
+ (y - nu) (y + nu) Dx + Dx y Dy - mu y Dy - mu y Dy + Dx y Dy ]
Section 3.2. Example of creative telescoping by Groebner bases
> A:=skew_algebra(comm=[a,b],shift=[Sn,n],diff=[Dx,x],diff=[Dy,y],polynom=n):
> G:=[2*(n+2)*(n+a+b+2)*(2*n+a+b+2)*Sn^2
> -y*(2*n+a+b+3)*(a^2-b^2+4*x*n^2+4*x*n*a+4*x*n*b
> +12*x*n+x*a^2+2*x*a*b+6*x*a+x*b^2+6*x*b+8*x)*Sn
> +2*(n+a+1)*(n+b+1)*(2*n+a+b+4)*y^2,
> -2*(n+a+1)*(n+b+1)*y+(n+1)*(-a+b+2*x*n+x*a+x*b+2*x)*Sn
> -(x-1)*(x+1)*(2*n+a+b+2)*Dx*Sn,
> n*(n+a+b+1)+(b-a-x*a-x*b-2*x)*Dx-(x-1)*(x+1)*Dx^2,
> y*Dy-n]:
> T:=termorder(A,lexdeg([n],[Sn,Dx,Dy])):
> GB:=gbasis(G,T):
bytes used=560476240, alloc=13497944, time=224.49
bytes used=562487936, alloc=13497944, time=225.50
bytes used=564488432, alloc=13497944, time=226.40
bytes used=566492168, alloc=13497944, time=227.25
bytes used=568502800, alloc=13497944, time=228.18
bytes used=570513168, alloc=13497944, time=229.16
bytes used=572532800, alloc=13497944, time=230.14
bytes used=574537744, alloc=13497944, time=230.98
> CT:=collect(subs(Sn=1,remove(has,GB,n)),[Dx,Dy],distributed,factor);
CT := [(-b + a + x a + x b + 2 x) Dx - y (a + b + 2) Dy + (x - 1) (x + 1) Dx
2 2
- y Dy , 2 y (b + 1) (1 + a) + (x - 1) (x + 1) (a + b) Dx
- y (-2 y a - 2 y b - 6 y + x b + 2 x - a + b + x a) Dy
2 2
- 2 y (-y + x) Dy + 2 y (x - 1) (x + 1) Dy Dx,
2 2 2 2
y (x a + x a + a + a - x b - x b + b + b)
+ (x - 1) (x + 1) (b - y b + y a + a) Dx
+ y (x a y + y a + y b - x b y + b - a - x b - x a) Dy,
-2 y (b + 1) (1 + a) (2 x a + a - b + 2 x b + 2 x)
2 2
- (x - 1) (x + 1) (b - a + 4 y b + 4 y a b + 4 y a + 4 y) Dx - y (28 x y
2 2
+ 24 x b y - 2 b y - 6 y b + 24 x a y + 12 x y a b + 4 x b y + 6 y a
2 2 2 2 2 2
+ 4 x a y + 2 a y - 6 a - b - 6 b - 4 - a + x a - 6 a b - x b ) Dy
3 2 3 3
- 4 y (x - 1) (x + 1) Dy Dx - 4 y (x y - 1) Dy
2 2
- 2 y (y a + 4 x a y - y b + 4 x b y + 12 x y - 3 b - 6 - 3 a) Dy
- 4 y (x - 1) (x + 1) (b + 3 + a) Dy Dx, -2 x + 2 y - a - 3 x a + b
2 2 2 2
- 2 x a b + b - x b - x a + 2 y a b + 2 y a - a - 3 x b + 2 y b
- 2 (x - 1) (x + 1) Dx
2 2 2
+ (2 a + 6 y + 2 b + 2 y b + 2 y a - 4 x a y + 2 - 4 x b y - 8 x y) Dy
2 2
- 2 y (-y + 2 x y - 1) Dy ]
> R:=sqrt(1-2*x*y+y^2): P:=1/(R*(1-y+R)^a*(1+y+R)^b):
> map(simplify,map(applyopr,CT,P,A));
bytes used=576538120, alloc=13497944, time=232.13
bytes used=578619896, alloc=13497944, time=232.98
bytes used=580620248, alloc=13497944, time=233.81
bytes used=582853872, alloc=13497944, time=234.82
bytes used=585616064, alloc=13497944, time=235.92
bytes used=587638352, alloc=13497944, time=236.79
bytes used=589638968, alloc=13497944, time=237.98
bytes used=591639344, alloc=13497944, time=239.26
bytes used=593650640, alloc=13497944, time=240.07
bytes used=596805088, alloc=13497944, time=241.11
bytes used=598812472, alloc=13497944, time=241.92
bytes used=600836080, alloc=13497944, time=242.75
bytes used=602846008, alloc=13497944, time=243.63
bytes used=604893680, alloc=13497944, time=244.59
bytes used=606913160, alloc=13497944, time=245.55
bytes used=609023560, alloc=13497944, time=246.55
bytes used=611122064, alloc=13497944, time=247.57
bytes used=614159328, alloc=13891088, time=248.85
bytes used=616166000, alloc=13891088, time=249.78
bytes used=618238400, alloc=13891088, time=250.60
bytes used=620255136, alloc=13891088, time=251.45
bytes used=622267464, alloc=13891088, time=252.32
bytes used=624286896, alloc=13891088, time=253.33
bytes used=626293176, alloc=13891088, time=254.25
bytes used=628315400, alloc=13891088, time=255.29
bytes used=630533128, alloc=13891088, time=256.40
bytes used=633052104, alloc=14546328, time=257.65
bytes used=635690432, alloc=14546328, time=258.93
bytes used=637782856, alloc=14546328, time=260.01
bytes used=650517296, alloc=18346720, time=264.70
bytes used=653549600, alloc=20574536, time=266.50
bytes used=658585512, alloc=24374928, time=269.46
bytes used=660595864, alloc=24374928, time=270.77
bytes used=662677480, alloc=24374928, time=271.59
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
The functions hdefsum, hdefqsum and hdefint have not been
reimplemented in version 2.0, and the examples of the following
sections are not demonstrated here.
Section 3.3. Extension of Takayama's algorithm for definite integral
Section 3.4.1. An identity between Franel and Apery numbers
Section 3.4.2. A Rogers-Ramanujan identity
> quit
bytes used=663019440, alloc=24374928, time=271.73