Closed Form Evaluation of [Maple Math]

This is the Mehler formula for Hermite polynomials. We first input the summand.

> [Maple Math]

Since the sum is over [Maple Math] , we need the dependency of the summand in terms of [Maple Math] . In this session, we focus on the dependency of the sum in [Maple Math] , and leave [Maple Math] and [Maple Math] as parameters, but other choices could have been made. The following call yields a system that traces the dependency of the summand in [Maple Math] and [Maple Math] .

> sys[1]:=dfinite_expr_to_sys(expr,f(n::shift,u::diff));

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

The summation itself is performed by the following call. Viewing the sum as a formal power series in [Maple Math] , we have that the summand goes to 0 as [Maple Math] tends to infinity. At the other boundary, the recurrence in [Maple Math] proves that the summand is 0 for negative [Maple Math] . The use of the option [Maple Math] is therefore fully justified.

> sys[2]:=sum_of_sys(sys[1],n=0..infinity,natural_boundaries);

[Maple Math]

There only remains to solve this differential equation.

> dsolve(sys[2] union {f(0)=1},f(u));

[Maple Math]

> simplify(expand(%),symbolic);

[Maple Math]

In other words, we have obtained: [Maple Math] .