Case B

In this situation, we proceed to eliminate all shifts in [Maple Math] so as to obtain a purely differential relation.

> eq[1]:=op(select(has,sys[2],diff(f(n,u),u$3)));

[Maple Math]
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> eq[2]:=op(select(has,sys[2],D[2](f)(n+1,u)));

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

> eq[3]:=op(select(has,sys[2],f(n+2,u)));

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[Maple Math]

[Procedure to replace var in expr with its value solved from relation.]

> plug:=proc(relation,expr,var)

[Procedure that collects in each function call.]

> normalize:=proc(expr)

> eq[4]:=normalize(plug(diff(eq[1],u),eq[2],D[2](f)(n+1,u)));

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> eq[5]:=normalize(plug(eq[1],eq[4],f(n+1,u)));

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The following is a purely differential equation satisfied by the integral.

> eq[5]:=normalize(primpart(subs(f(n,u)=f(u),eq[5]),diff(f(u),u$4)));

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

There only remains to solve it. First, a general solution is obtained by a call to Maple's general dsolve.

> dsol:=op(2,dsolve(eq[5],f(u)));

[Maple Math]

Next, we use initial conditions.

> solve({seq(subs(n=i,dsol)=simplify(int(subs(n=i,expr),z=0..infinity),symbolic),i=1..4)},{_C1,_C2,_C3,_C4});

[Maple Math]

> normal(subs(%,dsol),expanded);

[Maple Math]