Introduction to the Mgfun package, a package
for Multivariate Generating FUnctions.
The Mgfun package is used to perform calculations on multivariate functions and
sequences. In particular, it is well suited for calculations on so-called special functions,
including hypergeometric functions and sequences, their q-analogues and holonomic
functions. In the philosophy of Mgfun, these functions and sequences are described by
systems of linear homogeneous differential or difference equations, or by q-analogues of
them. A natural tool that plays a central role in these calculations is a suitable
generalization of Groebner bases.
When using the Mgfun package, any function or sequence is represented by a set of linear
homogeneous equations it satisfies. When such systems are known for functions f(x,y)
and g(x,y), Mgfun can compute a system for the sum f(x,y)+g(x,y), the product
f(x,y)g(x,y) or definite integrals of f(x,y) with respect to y. In the case of sequences
u[n,m] and v[n,m], it can compute equations for the sum u[n,m]+v[n,m], the product
u[n,m]v[n,m] or definite summations of u[n,m] over all m. Mgfun can also deal with
mixed cases, such as f[n,m](x,y), or with other types of linear equations the user might
want to define.
Using these basic operations, one can:
- find closed forms (in terms of hypergeometric functions and sequences and their
- compute (ordinary, exponential, Bessel...) generating functions,
- extract coefficients of a series (for any orthogonal basis of the algebra of series in a
general class);
- check identities and prove new ones;
- compute diagonals of series.
This worksheet gives an overview of Mgfun through some applications.
Once you have installed Mgfun, the following call should run with no error.
> with(Mgfun);
[algtoholon, annihilators, applyopr, commalg, dependency, fglm, gbasis,
hdefint, hdefqsum, hdefsum, hdiag, hilbertdim, hpowerrs, hprod, hprodrs,
hsum, hsumrs, hypergeomtoholon, leadcoeff, leading_term, leadmon, makeopr,
oppower, opprod, orealg, qbinomial, qfactorial, qpochhammer, randopr,
reduce, reducelist, reducescale, setparam, shiftalg, skewelim, skewgcdex,
skewpdiv, skewprem, spoly, termorder, testorder, weylalg]
We want Mgfun to be verbose.
> infolevel[Mgfun_warnings]:=1:
The Legendre polynomials.
As mentioned above, definite summations can be computed using the Mgfun package. As
an example, we show how to calculate equations that describe the Legendre polynomials
P[n](x). The n-th polynomial of this sequence is defined as the sum for all k of
binomial(n,k)^2*(x-1)^k*(x+1)^(n-k)*2^(-n). Let us now compute this sum.
We first declare an algebra of operators to enter equations that describe the summand.
We need differential equations with respect to x and recurrence equations with respect to
n and k. It will also be possible to enter mixed differential-recurrence equations.
> A:=orealg(diff=[Dx,x],shift=[Sn,n],shift=[Sk,k]):
Most calculations by Mgfun on multivariate functions make intensive use of Groebner
bases computations. Here, we declare an elimination term order to prepare an elimination
of k by Groebner basis computation, since k is the index of the summation we want to
> T:=termorder(A,lexdeg=[[k],[Dx,Sn,Sk]]):
We now enter equations satisfied by the term to be summed.
> G:=hypergeomtoholon(binomial(n,k)^2*(x-1)^k*(x+1)^(n-k)*2^(-n),A);
G := [(- x + 1) Dx + 2 k + n x - n,
2 2 2 2
(- 2 n - 4 n + 4 n k - 2 + 4 k - 2 k ) Sn + n x + n + 2 n x + 2 n + x + 1,
2 2 2 2 2 2
(- k x - k - 2 k x - 2 k - x - 1) Sk + n x - n - 2 n k x + 2 n k + k x - k
And we compute equations satisfied by the Legendre polynomials P[n](x).
> GL[P]:=hdefsum(G,k=0..infinity,T);
Assume the summand and its shifts vanish in 0 and infinity
GL[P] :=
2 2 2
[2 Sn n x + 3 Sn x - n - 1 - Sn n - 2 Sn , - n x + Sn n - Dx x + Dx + Sn - x]
A particular use of summation is to compute generating function. As an example, we
give here the generating function of Legendre polynomials. Recall that it is defined as
We follow the same method as above, beginning by declaring another algebra and another
term order well-suited for elimination of the index of summation n.
> A:=orealg(diff=[Dx,x],diff=[Dy,y],shift=[Sn,n]):\
From a description of P[n](x), we derive a description of P[n](x)y^n.
> G:=[op(numer(subs(Sn=Sn/y,GL[P]))),y*Dy-n]:
We next derive a description for their generating function phi(x,y).
> GL[phi]:=hdefsum(G,n=0..infinity,T);
Assume the summand and its shifts vanish in 0 and infinity
2 2
GL[phi] := [2 x y Dx - y Dx + y - Dx, 2 x y Dy + x - y Dy - y - Dy]
Solving these differential equations by separation of variables yields a closed form for the
generating function.
> applyopr(GL[phi][1],phi(x,y),A);
2 / d \
y phi(x, y) + (- y + 2 x y - 1) |---- phi(x, y)|
\ dx /
> pdesolve(",phi(x,y));
phi(x, y) = ---------------------
2 1/2
(- y + 2 x y - 1)
Any solution must be of the previous form. The equation in derivatives with respect to y
makes it possible to compute _F1(y).
> numer(normal(applyopr(GL[FG][2],op(2,"),A)));
GL[FG][2] _F1(y)
Since the previous expression is identically zero, _F1(y) is a constant (at least in a
neighbourhood of 0) and phi(x,0)=P[0](x)=1 yields the following generating function.
> phi:=1/sqrt(1-2*x*y+y^2);
phi := -------------------
2 1/2
(1 - 2 x y + y )
Computing integrals using Mgfun is very similar to computing sums. As an example, we
prove that Legendre polynomials form an orthogonal family for the scalar product
We prove this by integration of the bivariate generating function h of the products
J[n](x)J[m](x) between -1 and +1, so as to find the generating function of the scalar
products <J[n](x),J[m](x)>. So we first declare another algebra and define h.
> A:=weylalg([Dx,x],[Du,u],[Dv,v]):\
h := ---------------------------------------
2 1/2 2 1/2
(1 - 2 x u + u ) (1 - 2 x v + v )
> G:=hypergeomtoholon(h,A);
G := [
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
(- 1 + 2 x v - v + 2 x u - 4 x u v + 2 x u v - u + 2 u x v - u v ) Dx + u
2 2
- 4 u x v + u v + v + v u ,
2 2
(- 1 + 2 x u - u ) Du + x - u, (- 1 + 2 x v - v ) Dv + x - v]
Once again, we will perform an elimination by calculation of a Groebner basis. However,
the existing function hdefint of Mgfun is not suited for this computation, since h does not
vanish at -1 and +1. Here we need to eliminate the variable of integration, x, by
lower-level tools.
> T:=termorder(A,lexdeg=[[x],[Dx,Du,Dv]]):
The Groebner basis calculation is performed by a call to gbasis. This function is Mgfun's
own routine, which performs more efficiently than grobner[gbasis] in the case of
commutative calculations. We keep only those polynomials that are free of x.
> EL:=collect(remove(has,gbasis(G,T,ratpoly(rational,[u,v])),x),Dx,factor);
EL := [
2 2
- 2 Du u Dv - 2 Du u Dv v - 2 Du u v + 2 Dv v Du + 2 Dv v Du u + 2 Dv v u + Du
2 2
+ Du u + u - Dv - Dv v - v,
2 2 2 2 2 2
(v - 1) (v + 1) (u - 1) (u + 1) Dx + u v - 2 Dv v + 2 Dv u v + 2 Du u v
2 2
- v + v u - u - 2 Du u ]
The previous operations are known as Zeilberger's method of creative telescoping. They
are usually followed by the substitution Dx=0. This would correspond to cases where
h(+1)=h(-1)=0. Here, we need to take h(+1)-h(-1) into account. Let us give the
following notation.
> C[0]:=coeff(EL[2],Dx,0);
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
C[0] := u v - 2 Dv v + 2 Dv u v + 2 Du u v - v + v u - u - 2 Du u
> C[1]:=coeff(EL[2],Dx,1);
C[1] := (v - 1) (v + 1) (u - 1) (u + 1)
By integration, EL[2] yields the following non-homogeneous equation.
> C[0]*Int(h,x=-1..1)=-C[1]*('h'(x,1)-'h'(x,-1));
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
(u v - 2 Dv v + 2 Dv u v + 2 Du u v - v + v u - u - 2 Du u )
| 1
| --------------------------------------- dx =
| 2 1/2 2 1/2
/ (1 - 2 x u + u ) (1 - 2 x v + v )
- (v - 1) (v + 1) (u - 1) (u + 1) (h(x, 1) - h(x, -1))
Let us compute C[1]*(h(x,1)-h(x,-1)).
> A:=weylalg([Du,u],[Dv,v]):\
2 u + 2 v
Generally, this difference has to be holonomic (i.e., it is always possible to get equations
that describe it using the theory of holonomy). In the present case, it is a polynomial. We
thus get simple linear operators that cancel on them.
> hypergeomtoholon(",A);
[(- u - v) Du + 1, (- u - v) Dv + 1]
Applying these operators to the right-hand side of the integral equation above yields zero.
Therefore, it is the same when we apply them to the left-hand side. Composition of
operators translates into product.
> G:=map(collect,[EL[1],op(map(opprod,",C[0],A))],[Du,Dv],distributed,factor);
G := [u - v + 2 (u v - 1) (u - v) Du Dv + (- v + 2 u v - 1) Dv
+ (- 2 u v + 1 + u ) Du,
2 2 2 2
- v (u + v) - 2 v (u - 1) (u + 1) (u + v) Du Dv - 2 v (u + 2 u v + 1) Dv
2 2 2 2 3 3
+ (6 u v - 4 u v + 3 u + v - v u - 5 u v ) Du
2 2
- 2 u (v - 1) (v + 1) (u + v) Du ,
2 2
- u (u + v) - 2 u (v - 1) (v + 1) (u + v) Du Dv
2 2 2 3 3 2
+ (3 v - 4 u v + 6 u v - u v - 5 v u + u ) Dv
2 2 2 2
- 2 u (1 + v + 2 u v) Du - 2 v (u - 1) (u + 1) (u + v) Dv ]
Recall that these operators cancel on the integral psi(u,v) we want to determine. Now,
we compute a Groebner basis for another purpose, namely to get a normal form for this
set of equations.
> T:=termorder(A,tdeg=[Du,Dv],max):\
2 2 3
GL[psi] := [- u v (u - v) (u + v) - v (- v - 3 v u + 3 u + u ) Dv
3 2 2 2 3 2
- u (- 5 u v + 4 v + 3 u v + 4 v u - 3 u v - 3 u ) Du
2 2
- 2 u (u - v) (u v - 1) (u + v) Du ,
- u + v - 2 (u v - 1) (u - v) Du Dv + (v + 1 - 2 u v) Dv
+ (- u - 1 + 2 u v) Du,
3 2 2 3 2 2
u v (u - v) (u + v) + v (5 v u - 3 u v + 3 u v - 4 u v - 4 u + 3 v ) Dv
2 2 3 2 2
+ u (- 3 v + 3 u v - v + u) Du + 2 v (u - v) (u v - 1) (u + v) Dv
To solve this system in psi(u,v), we separate variables. To compute an equation that
involves derivatives with respect to u only, we use the function dependency, that searches
for a dependency between successive derivatives with respect to u.
> eq_Du:=collect(dependency(psi(u,v),u,3,GL,T,BR),Du,factor);
2 2 3 3 5
eq_Du := - 4 u (- v - 3 v u + 3 u + u ) (u - v) (u v - 1) Du - 4 u (5 u v
4 2 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 3
- 21 u v - 3 u + 12 u v + 34 v u - 29 u v - 15 u + 6 u v + 15 u v
2 2 5 4 2 4 3 3 3 2 2
- 4 v ) Du + (- 17 u v + 78 u v + 3 u - 21 u v - 129 v u + 89 u v
2 3 2
+ 45 u - 27 u v - 30 u v + 9 v ) Du
4 3 2 2 2 2
- v (u - 6 v u - 3 u v + 15 u - 10 u v + 3 v )
For symmetry reasons, a similar equation could be obtained for derivatives with respect to
At this stage, we have to solve to get a solution with parameter v. Maple's dsolve does
not return any solution. So we look for a function of the form sigma(uv). We change
variables by z=uv.
> collect(numer(subs([u=z/v,Du=v*Dz],eq_Du)),Dz,factor);
2 4 2 2 2 3 2 3 5
- 4 z v (v + 3 z v - 3 z v - z ) (- z + v ) (z - 1) Dz - 4 z v (5 z
4 2 4 3 4 3 2 2 4 2 2 6
- 21 z v - 3 z + 12 z v + 34 z v - 29 z v - 15 z v + 6 z v
4 6 2 5 4 2 4 3 4 3 2
+ 15 z v - 4 v ) Dz - (17 z - 78 z v - 3 z + 21 z v + 129 z v
2 4 2 2 6 4 6
- 89 z v - 45 z v + 27 z v + 30 z v - 9 v ) v Dz
4 3 2 2 4 2 2 4 6
- v (z - 6 z v - 3 z v + 15 z v - 10 z v + 3 v )
Now, we are working in the (z,v) plane, so we set v=1 to get an equation satisfied by any
solutions of the form sigma(uv).
> collect(primpart(subs(v=1,"),Dz),Dz,factor);
2 2 3 2 2
- 4 z (z - 1) Dz - 4 z (5 z - 4) (z - 1) Dz + (- 17 z + 30 z - 9) Dz - z
+ 3
Maple is now able to solve.
> A:=weylalg([Dz,z]):\
_C1 _C2 arctanh(z ) _C3 (- ln(z) + 2 ln(z - 1))
dsol := sigma(z) = ---- + ----------------- + ---------------------------
1/2 1/2 1/2
z z z
Let us compute an asymptotic series at 0 to be able to use initial conditions in 0, so as to
determine the integration constants _C1, _C2 and _C3.
> series(op(2,dsol),z,2);
_C1 + _C3 (ln(1/z) - 2 I csgn(I (z - 1)) Pi) 1/2
-------------------------------------------- + _C2 - 2 _C3 z + 1/3 _C2 z
+ O(z )
Since <P[0](x),P[0](x)>=2, i.e., sigma(z)=2, we find the generating function of the scalar
> sigma:=2*arctanh(sqrt(z))/sqrt(z):\
arctanh((u v) )
2 -----------------
(u v)
This proves that the family of Legendre polynomials is orthogonal. It is now possible to
compute the squares of the modules ||P[n](x)||^2=<P[n](x),P[n](x)>. We first reduce the
order of the equation that defines GF. To do so, we use the method of indetermined
coefficients to get a second order differential equation.
> solve({coeffs(numer(normal(a*sigma+b*diff(sigma,z)+c*diff(sigma,z,z))),arctanh(sqrt(z)))},{a,b,c});
{b = 5 a z - 3 a, c = 2 a z - 2 a z, a = a}
> DE_sigma:=normal(primpart(subs(",a+b*Dz+c*Dz^2),Dz));
2 2 2
DE_sigma := 1 + 5 Dz z - 3 Dz + 2 Dz z - 2 Dz z
We easily check this equation.
> normal(applyopr(DE_sigma,sigma,A));
The following series expansion makes us conjecture that there is a closed form for the
coefficients, namely 2/(2*n+1). We now proceed to prove this conjecture.
> series(sigma,z,10);
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2 + 2/3 z + 2/5 z + 2/7 z + 2/9 z + 2/11 z + 2/13 z + 2/15 z + 2/17 z
9 19/2
+ 2/19 z + O(z )
The differential equation that defines sigma can easily be translated in terms of
coefficients. To do so, we use Salvy and Zimmermann's gfun package to derive a
recurrence equation satisfied by the coefficients of sigma.
> with(share):
See ?share and ?share,contents for information about the share library
> readshare(gfun,analysis):
> with(gfun):
> diffeqtorec(applyopr(DE_sigma,f(z),A),f(z),u(n));
(2 n + 1) u(n) + (- 2 n - 3) u(n + 1)
And Maple is able to solve this recurrence equation.
> rsolve({",u(0)=2},u(n));
2 n + 1
A particular case of calculation of integrals is taking the coefficients of a series by
Cauchy's formula. We exemplify it by computing again the squares of the modules
||P[n](x)||^2=<P[n](x),P[n](x)> in this more direct way.
We first divide the generating function GF of the squares of the modules by x^(n+1).
> A:=orealg(diff=[Dz,z],shift=[Sn,n]):\
2 / d \ 2 / d \ 2
6 f(z) z + 2 z f(z) n + 7 z f(z) n + 4 |---- f(z)| z n + 9 |---- f(z)| z
\ dz / \ dz /
/ 2 \
| d | 3 2 / d \
+ 2 |----- f(z)| z - 2 f(z) n - 5 f(z) n - 4 |---- f(z)| z n
| 2 | \ dz /
\ dz /
/ 2 \
/ d \ | d | 2
- 7 |---- f(z)| z - 2 |----- f(z)| z - 3 f(z)
\ dz / | 2 |
\ dz /
> collect(subs([diff(f(z),z,z)=Dz^2,diff(f(z),z)=Dz,f(z)=1],"),Dz,factor);
2 2
2 z (z - 1) Dz + z (9 z + 4 z n - 7 - 4 n) Dz + (2 n + 3) (z n - n + 2 z - 1)
We eliminate z since the integration is with respect to this variable. Note the trick of
integrating from 1 to 1! This means integration on any contour from and to 1 on which
the integrand is well defined.
> T:=termorder(A,lexdeg=[[z],[Dz,Sn]],max):\
Assume the integrand and its derivatives vanish in 1 and 1
[2 n - 2 Sn n - 3 Sn + 1]
And Maple is able to solve the corresponding recurrence.
> rsolve({applyopr(op("),u(n),A),u(0)=2},u(n));
2 n + 1