$\operatorname{MHypergeom}(g, x, b)$
libname := libname, FileTools:-JoinPath(["maple","lib","dcfun.mla"],base=homedir):
Mahlerian hypergeometric elements look like infinite products, because from $$y = \frac{1}{g}My$$ we wrongly deduce $$y = \frac{1}{g} \frac{1}{Mg}\frac{1}{M^2g}\dots = \prod_{k\geq 0}\frac{1}{M^kg}.$$ To give a meaning to the infinite product a sort of normalization is necessary. It generally makes appear a power of a logarithm and a power of the variable as factors of the infinite product.
y := MHypergeom(6*x^11*( 1+ 4*x), x, 5);
$$\ln \! \left(\frac{1}{x}\right)^{\frac{\ln \left(6\right)}{\ln \left(5\right)}} x^{\frac{11}{4}} \left(\overset{\infty}{\underset{\textit{\_k0} =0}{\textcolor{gray}{\prod}}}\! \frac{1}{1+4 x^{5^{\textit{\_k0}}}}\right)$$