Published Articles & Preprints
- (Book Chapter, to appear in: The Computer Algebra System OSCAR - Algorithms and Examples, book link) Gröbner Bases for Polynomial Ideals and Applications, joint with Christian Eder and Mohab Safey El Din.
- (Article, ISSAC ‘24 proceedings, arxiv) Computing Generic Fibers of Polynomial Ideals Using FGLM and Hensel Lifting, joint with Jérémy Berthomieu.
- (Article, ISSAC ‘23 proceedings, arxiv) A Direttissimo Algorithm for Equidimensional Decomposition, joint with Christian Eder, Pierre Lairez and Mohab Safey El Din.
- (Article, Journal of Symbolic Computation, arxiv) A Signature-based Algorithm for Computing the Nondegenerate Locus of a Polynomial System, joint with Christian Eder, Pierre Lairez and Mohab Safey El Din.
(Article, arxiv) On the Computation of Newton Polytopes of Eliminants, joint with Yulia Mukhina.
(Article, arxiv) Wronski Pairs of Honeycomb Curves, joint with Laura Casabella and Michael Joswig.
(Article, arxiv) A Syzygial Method for Equidimensional Decomposition.
(Article, arxiv) A New Algorithm for Whitney Stratification of Varieties, joint with Martin Helmer.
Other Scientific Works
- (PhD Thesis, PDF), Gröbner Basis Algorithms in Service of Algebraic Set Decomposition.
- (Diploma Thesis, PDF) In my diploma thesis I used Picard-Lefschetz theory to compute the periods of a projective hypersurface. It was supervised by Emre Sertöz during his stay at the MPIMiS in Leipzig and Bernd Sturmfels.