ERC Starting grant 10000 DIGITS

Transcendental methods in computational nonlinear algebra

host institution
Inria, France
project duration
from 2022 to 2027
1 400 000 €

This project is about developing algorithms and software to compute with high precision integrals with a geometric origin, especially periods of algebraic variety, and tackle applications in diophantine approximation, quantum field theory and optimization. We do this by leveraging symbolic integration, D-module theory, high-precision ODE solving and numerical algebraic geometry.


principal investigator
Pierre Lairez
phd students
Hadrien Brochet (co-advised with Frederic Chyzak)
Alexandre Guillemot
Eric Pichon-Pharabod (co-advised with Pierre Vanhove, external funding)
Ricardo Buring
Catherine St-Pierre
Claudia Fevola (external funding)

Available positions

There are available positions for internships and PhD theses. You can apply at any time by sending me an email (please put “10000digits” in the subject).

enjoy doing effective mathematics, that is going from “does there exist?” to “how to compute?”
enjoy programming (C, julia, python, etc), a useful algorithm is an algorithm that runs

Postdoc position

The MATHEXP team at Inria Saclay and the ERC-funded “10000 DIGITS” project offer a two-year postdoctoral position (without teaching duty). Salary is 2653€/month (gross, that is about 2130€ net-worth, including health insurance.)

Applicants should have an expertise in a field related to computer algebra or effective mathematics, and some interest in the research directions of “10000 DIGITS”, such as D-modules, symbolic integration, periods, Feynman integrals, effective algebraic geometry, symbolic-numeric algorithms, etc. Applicants are welcome to visit the team before applying.

To apply, please send an email to Pierre Lairez with:
