I am a researcher at Inria Saclay in the MATHEXP team and a teacher in the computer science department of Ecole polytechnique. My research interests lie in computer algebra, experimental mathematics and algebraic geometry. Concretely, this amounts to:
- designing algorithms to solve mathematical problems and explore mathematical areas;
- implementing these algorithms and studying their computational complexity.
Recently, I gave an online lecture where I introduce my research topic, check it out!
For the period 2022–2027, I received an ERC Starting Grant for a project called 10000 DIGITS. There are positions available.
Since January 2022, I am Associate Editor of SIAGA, the SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry.
(keywords) computer algebra, experimental mathematics, algebraic geometry, symbolic integration, seminumerical algorithms
- affiliations
École polytechnique (teaching)
- address
INRIA Saclay, Bât. Alan Turing
1 rue Honoré d’Estienne d’Orves
Campus de l’École polytechnique
91120 Palaiseau
France - location
48.7146, 2.2056 (map)
- phone
+33 (0)1 77 57 80 36
- office
- gpg public key
- misc
PhD students
- Rafael Mohr (started November 2020, co-advised with Christian Eder and Mohab Safey El Din)
- Eric Pichon-Pharabod (started October 2021, co-advised with Pierre Vanhove)
- Hadrien Brochet (started September 2022, co-advised with Frédéric Chyzak)
- Alexandre Guillemot (started October 2023)