PhD's web site dcfun Publications MathExp Team
2024 First-order factors of linear Mahler operators.
Journal of Symbolic Computation, vol. 130, 2025, to appear,
with Frédéric CHYZAK, Thomas DREYFUS, Marc MEZZAROBBA,
[PDF] , [BibTex] .

2020 A Gröbner-basis theory for divide-and-conquer recurrences.
ISSAC'20, pages 99-106,
with Frédéric CHYZAK.
[PDF] , [BibTex] .

2019 Fast Coefficient Computation for Algebraic Power Series in Positive Characteristic.
ANTS–XIII (Thirteenth Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium, 2018),
with Alin BOSTAN, Xavier CARUSO, and Gilles CHRISTOL.
[PDF] , [BibTex] .

Becker's conjecture on Mahler functions.
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 372, no 5, p. 3405–3423, 2019
with Jason BELL, Frédéric CHYZAK, Michael COONS,
[PDF] , [BibTex] .

2018 Computing solutions of linear Mahler equations.
Mathematics of Computation, vol. 87, no. 314, p. 2977–3021, 2018,
with Frédéric CHYZAK, Thomas DREYFUS, Marc MEZZAROBBA,
[PDF] , [BibTex] .

2016 Fast Computation of the Nth Term of an Algebraic Series over a Finite Prime Field.
ISSAC '16 Proceedings, p. 119–126, 2016,
with Alin BOSTAN and Gilles CHRISTOL.
[PDF] , [BibTex] .

2014 Asymptotic expansions for linear homogeneous divide-and-conquer recurrences: Algebraic and analytic approaches collated.
Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 548, p. 25–53, 2014,
[PDF] , [BibTex] .

2013 Joint spectral radius, dilation equations, and asymptotic behavior of radix-rational sequences.
Linear Algebra and its Applications, vol. 438, p. 2107–2126, 2013.
[PDF] , [BibTeX] .

2012 Dr Flajolet's elixir or Mellin transform and asymptotics.
Introduction to vol. III, chap. 4 of Philippe Flajolet's Collected Works,
[PDF] , References: [PDF] , [BibTex] .

2010 Wronskians and linear independence.
American Mathematical Monthly, vol. 117, no. 8, p. 722–727, 2010,
with Alin BOSTAN.
[PDF] , [BibTex] .

2007 Asymptotic behaviour of a non-commutative rational series with a nonnegative linear representation.
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 9, no. 1, p. 247–272, 2007,
with Helger LIPMAA and Johan WALLÉN.
[PDF] , [BibTex] .

2006 Some exactly solvable models of urn process theory.
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science, Fourth Colloquium on Mathematics and Computer Science Algorithms, Trees, Combinatorics and Probabilities, p. 59–118, 2006,
with Philippe FLAJOLET and Vincent PUYHAUBERT.
[PDF] , [BibTex] .

2004 On the Additive Differential Probability of Exclusive-Or.
Fast Software Encryption, 11th International Workshop, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3017, p. 317–331, 2004,
with Helger LIPMAA and Johan WALLÉN.
[PDF] , [BibTex] .

2001 A randomized algorithm for approximate string matching.
Algorithmica, vol. 29, no. 3, p. 468–486, 2001,
with Mike ATALLAH and Frédéric CHYZAK.
[PDF] , [BibTex] .

1997 Maple Son bon usage en mathématiques.
Springer-Verlag, 1997,
with Xavier GOURDON.
[BibTex] .

1996 Asymptotique des récurrences mahlériennes : le cas cyclotomique.
Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux, vol. 8, no. 1, p. 1–30, 1996,
with Philippe FLAJOLET.
[PDF] , [BibTex] .

1995 Une introduction à Maple.
Rapport technique INRIA, no. 173,
with Xavier GOURDON.
[PDF] , [BibTex] .

Maple and the Putnam Competition.
The Maple Technical Newsletter, vol. 2, no. 2, p. 63–68, 1995,
with Bruno SALVY.
[PDF] , [BibTex] .

Random palindromes: multivariate generating function and Bernoulli density.
Discrete Mathematics, vol. 139, no. 1-3, p. 143–154, 1995,
with Loÿs THIMONIER.
[PDF] , [BibTex] .

Mellin transforms and asymptotics: harmonic sums.
Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 144, no. 1-2, p. 3–58, 1995,
with Philippe FLAJOLET and Xavier GOURDON.
[PDF] , [BibTex] .

1993 Récurrences mahlériennes, suites automatiques, études asymptotiques.
Thèse, Université de Bordeaux I, Talence, 1993.
[PDF] , [BibTex] .

Algebraic aspects of B-regular series.
Automata, languages and programming (Lund, 1993), LNCS 700, p. 457–468.
[PDF] , [BibTex] .

Additive cellular automata and algebraic series.
Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 119, no. 2, p. 345–354, 1993,
with Bruce LITOW.
[PDF] , [BibTex] .

1989 Suites automatiques à valeurs dans un anneau commutatif.
Technical report Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique, Université Paris-Sud, vol. 535, 1989.
[PDF] , [BibTex] .