Alin Bostan

Senior researcher (Directeur de recherche)
Inria Saclay Île-de-France
Bât. Alan Turing, 1 rue Honoré d'Estienne d'Orves
91120 Palaiseau, France
Phone: +33 1 69 35 69 76
PGP key: E620 2458 6849 93D6 5763 8EEA 8983 A000 2639 EA9C

Alin Bostan (2018)

  • Thematic program Recent Trends in Computer Algebra (RTCA2023).
    Co-organized with Mark Giesbrecht, Christoph Koutschan, Marni Mishna, Mohab Safey El Din, Bruno Salvy and Gilles Villard.
    From 27 March to 30 June 2023 in Lyon and from 18 September to 11 December 2023 in Paris, at the Henri Poincaré Institute.
    Proceedings volume (to come): see the announcement.

  • Workshop Computer Algebra for Functional Equations in Combinatorics and Physics.
    Co-organized with Jérémie Bouttier, Thomas Cluzeau, Lucia Di Vizio, Christian Krattenthaler, Pierre Lairez and Jean-Marie Maillard.
    4–8 December 2023 in Paris, at the Henri Poincaré Institute.

  • Working group Transcendence and Combinatorics.
    Co-organized with Lucia Di Vizio and Kilian Raschel at the Henri Poincaré Institute and Inria Saclay since 2017.

  • Joint MathExp-PolSys Seminar, from 2020 to 2024.
    It continued the Computations and Proofs Seminar, co-organized with Frédéric Chyzak at Inria Saclay from 2012 to 2020.

  • Differential Seminar.
    Co-organized with Lucia Di Vizio at Univ. Versailles and at Inria Saclay since 2018.
    Next session: 12 November 2024 at Univ. Versailles. Speakers: Antoine Chambert-Loir, Claudia Fevola, Florian Fürnsinn.
    Last session: 27 February 2024 at Inria Saclay. Speakers: Jehanne Dousse, Quentin Gazda and Maxim Kontsevich.

  • Online School Mathematical Summer in Paris.
    Co-organized with Omid Amini, Kevin Destagnol and Pierre-Guy Plamondon,
    26–30 June 2023.

  • Workshop Effective Aspects in Diophantine Approximation.
    Co-organized with Boris Adamczewski, Bruno Salvy and Wadim Zudilin.
    27–31 March 2023 in Lyon, at the Institut Camille Jordan of the University Lyon 1.

  • Workshop E-functions, G-functions and Periods.
    Co-organized with Javier Fresán and Tanguy Rivoal.
    9–11 January 2023 in Paris, at the Henri Poincaré Institute.

  • GDR EFI (Functional Equations and Interactions).
    EFI Days 2022 from 12 to 14 September 2022, Toulouse.
    EFI Days 2023 from 3 to 5 July 2023, Rennes.

  • ANR Project De rerum natura (ANR-19-CE40-0018).
    Deciding irrationality and transcendence.
    Last meeting: closing conference from 10 to 14 June 2024 in Anglet.

  • Conference Transient Transcendence in Transylvania.
    Co-organized with Kilian Raschel. Posters. Proceedings Book.
    Brașov, Romania, 13–17 May 2019.

  • Editorial boards
  • Journal of Symbolic Computation.
    Founded by Bruno Buchberger in 1985, JSC is intended for mathematicians and computer scientists who are particularly interested in computer algebra.

  • Annals of Combinatorics.
    Founded by William Y.C. Chen in 1997, Ann. Comb. is intended for mathematicians and computer scientists who are particularly interested in combinatorial mathematics in the broad sense of the term.

  • Maple Transactions.
    Founded by Robert M. Corless in 2021, Maple Transactions is an open access journal that promotes research in computer-assisted mathematics.

  • Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brașov, Series III: Mathematics and Computer Science.
    Romanian journal founded in 1972, open access, aimed at a general audience of mathematicians and computer scientists.

  • Books
  • Transcendence in Algebra, Combinatorics, Geometry and Number Theory.
    Springer, 2021, 560 pages, ISBN 978-3-030-84303-8.
    Volume 373 of the book series Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics.
    Co-edited with Kilian Raschel: [PDF].

  • Algorithmes Efficaces en Calcul Formel.
    In French, 2017, 686 pages, ISBN 979-10-699-0947-2.
    Printed by CreateSpace and distributed by Amazon.
    Free electronic version with identical contents, enhanced by colors and hyperlinks.
    With Frédéric Chyzak, Marc Giusti, Romain Lebreton, Grégoire Lecerf, Bruno Salvy, Éric Schost: [PDF].

  • Preprints
  • An arithmetic characterization of some algebraic functions and a new proof of an algebraicity prediction by Golyshev.
    6 pages, submitted, 2024. [PDF].

  • A sharper multivariate Christol's theorem with applications to diagonals and Hadamard products.
    32 pages, submitted, 2023.
    With Boris Adamczewski, Xavier Caruso: [PDF].

  • Refined product formulas for Tamari intervals.
    35 pages, submitted, 2023.
    With Frédéric Chyzak, Vincent Pilaud: [PDF].

  • Articles
  • Algebraic solutions of linear differential equations: an arithmetic approach.
    Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 61, no. 4, pp. 609–658, 2024.
    With Xavier Caruso, Julien Roques: [PDF].

  • Continued fractions, orthogonal polynomials and Dirichlet series.
    Experimental Mathematics, to appear.
    With Frédéric Chapoton: [PDF].

  • Differential transcendence of Bell numbers and relatives: a Galois theoretic approach.
    American Journal of Mathematics, to appear.
    With Lucia Di Vizio, Kilian Raschel: [PDF].

  • Minimization of differential equations and algebraic values of E-functions.
    Mathematics of Computation, vol. 93, no. 347, pp. 1427–1472, 2024.
    With Tanguy Rivoal, Bruno Salvy: [PDF].

  • On the representability of sequences as constant terms.
    Journal of Number Theory, vol. 253, pp. 235–256, 2023.
    With Armin Straub, Sergey Yurkevich: [PDF].

  • Persistence for a class of order-one autoregressive processes and Mallows-Riordan polynomials.
    Advances in Applied Mathematics, vol. 150, pp. 1–52, 2023.
    With Gerold Alsmeyer, Kilian Raschel, Thomas Simon: [PDF].

  • Beating binary powering for polynomial matrices.
    Proceedings of ISSAC'23, pp. 70–79, ACM Press, 2023.
    With Vincent Neiger, Sergey Yurkevich: [PDF].

  • Fast Algorithms for Discrete Differential Equations.
    Proceedings of ISSAC'23, pp. 80–89, ACM Press, 2023.
    With Hadrien Notarantonio, Mohab Safey El Din: [PDF].

  • On the q-analogue of Pólya’s theorem.
    Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, vol. 30, number 2, pp. 1–9, 2023.
    With Sergey Yurkevich: [PDF].

  • Algorithms for discrete differential equations of order 1.
    Proceedings ISSAC'22, pp. 101–110, ACM Press, 2022.
    With Frédéric Chyzak, Hadrien Notarantonio, Mohab Safey El Din: [PDF].

  • On some combinatorial sequences associated to invariant theory.
    European Journal of Combinatorics, vol. 105, pp. 1–22, 2022.
    With Jordan Tirrell, Bruce W. Westbury, Yi Zhang: [PDF].

  • A hypergeometric proof that Iso is bijective.
    Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 150, number 5, pp. 2131–2136, 2022.
    With Sergey Yurkevich: [PDF].

  • Gröbner bases and critical values: The asymptotic combinatorics of determinantal systems.
    Journal of Algebra, vol. 602, pp. 154–180, 2022.
    With Jérémy Berthomieu, Andrew Ferguson, Mohab Safey El Din: [PDF].

  • Fast Computation of the N-th Term of a q-Holonomic Sequence and Applications.
    Journal of Symbolic Computation, vol. 115, pp. 96–123, 2023.
    With Sergey Yurkevich: [PDF].

  • On a class of hypergeometric diagonals.
    Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 150, number 3, pp. 1071–1087, 2022.
    With Sergey Yurkevich: [PDF].

  • Computer Algebra in the Service of Enumerative Combinatorics.
    Proceedings ISSAC'21, pp. 1–8, ACM Press, 2021: [PDF].

  • A short proof of a non-vanishing result by Conca, Krattenthaler and Watanabe.
    Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova, vol. 150, pp. 177–179, 2023: [PDF].

  • The generating function of Kreweras walks with interacting boundaries is not algebraic.
    Proceedings FPSAC 2021, Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, vol. 85B, article 78, pp. 1–12, 2021.
    With Manuel Kauers, Thibaut Verron: [PDF].

  • Stieltjes moment sequences for pattern-avoiding permutations.
    Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, vol. 27, issue 4, pp. 1–59, 2020.
    With Andrew Elvey Price, Anthony John Guttmann, Jean-Marie Maillard: [PDF].

  • A Simple and Fast Algorithm for Computing the N-th Term of a Linearly Recurrent Sequence.
    34 pages, 2020.
    With Ryuhei Mori: [PDF].
    Short version in Proceedings of SOSA'21 (SIAM Symposium on Simplicity in Algorithms), pp. 118–132, 2021.

  • Counting walks with large steps in an orthant.
    Journal of the European Mathematical Society, vol. 23, issue 7, pp. 2221–2297, 2021.
    With Mireille Bousquet-Mélou, Stephen Melczer: [PDF].

  • Appendix of the article
    Martin boundary of killed random walks on isoradial graphs.
    Potential Analysis, vol. 57, no. 2, pp. 201–226, 2022.
    With Cédric Boutillier, Kilian Raschel: [PDF].

  • Explicit degree bounds for right factors of linear differential operators.
    Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, vol. 53, issue 1, pp. 53–62, 2021.
    With Tanguy Rivoal, Bruno Salvy: [PDF].

  • On the exponential generating function of labelled trees.
    Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, tome 358, no. 9–10, pp. 1005–1009, 2020.
    With Antonio Jiménez-Pastor: [PDF].

  • Improved algorithms for left factorial residues.
    Information Processing Letters, article 106078, vol. 167, 2021.
    With Vladica Andrejić, Milos Tatarevic: [PDF].

  • On an integral identity.
    American Mathematical Monthly, vol. 128, no. 8, issue 212, pp.737–743, 2021.
    With Fernando Chamizo, Mikael P. Sundqvist: [PDF].

  • The Sage Package comb_walks for Walks in the Quarter Plane.
    Communications in Computer Algebra, vol. 54, no. 2, issue 212, pp. 30–38, 2020.
    With Frédéric Chyzak, Antonio Jiménez-Pastor, Pierre Lairez: [PDF].

  • Computing the N-th term of a q-holonomic sequence.
    Proceedings ISSAC'20, pp. 46–53, ACM Press, 2020: [PDF].

  • Weakly-unambiguous Parikh automata and their link to holonomic series.
    Proceedings ICALP 2020, LIPIcs, vol. 168, pp. 114:1–114:16, 2020.
    With Arnaud Carayol, Florent Koechlin, Cyril Nicaud: [PDF].

  • Subresultants of (x-α)m and (x-β)n, Jacobi polynomials and complexity.
    Journal of Symbolic Computation, vol. 101, pp. 330–351, 2020.
    With Teresa Krick, Agnes Szanto, Marcelo Valdettaro: [PDF].

  • Appendix of the article
    A note on gamma triangles and local gamma vectors.
    Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse, vol. XXIX, no. 4, pp. 907–925, 2020.
    With Frédéric Chapoton: [PDF].

  • On the least common multiple of several random integers.
    Journal of Number Theory, vol. 204, pp. 113–133, 2019.
    With Alexander V. Marynych, Kilian Raschel: [PDF].

  • Fast Coefficient Computation for Algebraic Power Series in Positive Characteristic.
    ANTS–XIII (Thirteenth Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium, 2018), vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 119–135, 2019.
    With Xavier Caruso, Gilles Christol, Philippe Dumas: [PDF].

  • On sequences associated to the invariant theory of rank two simple Lie algebras.
    12 pages, preprint, 2019.
    With Jordan Tirrell, Bruce W. Westbury, Yi Zhang: [PDF].

  • Generalized Hermite Reduction, Creative Telescoping and Definite Integration of D-Finite Functions.
    ISSAC'18, pp. 95–102, ACM Press, 2018.
    With Frédéric Chyzak, Pierre Lairez, Bruno Salvy: [PDF].

  • On matrices with displacement structure: generalized operators and faster algorithms.
    SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 733–775, 2017.
    With Claude-Pierre Jeannerod, Christophe Mouilleron, Éric Schost: [PDF].

  • Subresultants in multiple roots: An extremal case.
    Linear Algebra and its Applications, vol. 529, pp. 185–198, 2017.
    With Carlos D'Andrea, Teresa Krick, Agnes Szanto, Marcelo Valdettaro: [PDF].

  • Algebraic Diagonals and Walks: Algorithms, Bounds, Complexity.
    Journal of Symbolic Computation, vol. 83, pp. 68–92, 2017.
    With Louis Dumont, Bruno Salvy: [PDF].

  • Hypergeometric Expressions for Generating Functions of Walks with Small Steps in the Quarter Plane.
    European Journal of Combinatorics, vol. 61, pp. 242–275, 2017.
    With Frédéric Chyzak, Mark van Hoeij, Manuel Kauers, Lucien Pech: [PDF].

  • Multiple binomial sums.
    Journal of Symbolic Computation, vol. 80, no. 2, pp. 351–386, 2017.
    With Pierre Lairez, Bruno Salvy: [PDF].

  • Computation of the Similarity Class of the p-Curvature.
    Proceedings ISSAC'16, pp. 111–118, ACM Press, 2016.
    With Xavier Caruso, Éric Schost: [PDF].

  • Fast Computation of the Nth Term of an Algebraic Series over a Finite Prime Field.
    Proceedings ISSAC'16, pp. 119–126, ACM Press, 2016.
    With Gilles Christol, Philippe Dumas: [PDF].

  • Efficient Algorithms for Mixed Creative Telescoping.
    Proceedings ISSAC'16, pp. 127–134, ACM Press, 2016.
    With Louis Dumont, Bruno Salvy: [PDF].

  • A human proof of Gessel's lattice path conjecture.
    Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 369, no. 2, pp. 1365–1393, 2017.
    With Irina Kurkova, Kilian Raschel: [PDF].

  • On 3-dimensional lattice walks confined to the positive octant.
    Annals of Combinatorics, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 661–704, 2016.
    With Mireille Bousquet-Mélou, Manuel Kauers, Stephen Melczer: [PDF].

  • Efficient Algorithms for Computing Rational First Integrals and Darboux Polynomials of Planar Polynomial Vector Fields.
    Mathematics of Computation, vol. 85, no. 299, pp. 1393–1425, 2016.
    With Guillaume Chèze, Thomas Cluzeau, Jacques-Arthur Weil: [PDF].

  • Diagonals of rational functions and selected differential Galois groups.
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, vol. 48, no. 50, pp. 504001–504030, 2015.
    Exactly solved models and beyond: a special issue in honour of R J Baxter's 75th birthday.
    With Salah Boukraa, Jean-Marie Maillard, Jacques-Arthur Weil: [PDF],

  • A fast algorithm for computing the p-curvature.
    Proceedings ISSAC'15, pp. 69–76, ACM Press, 2015.
    With Xavier Caruso, Éric Schost: [PDF].

  • Algebraic Diagonals and Walks.
    Proceedings ISSAC'15, pp. 77–84, ACM Press, 2015.
    With Louis Dumont, Bruno Salvy: [PDF].

  • Compter les excursions sur un échiquier.
    Pour la Science, no. 449, pp. 40–46, 2015.
    With Kilian Raschel.

  • A fast algorithm for computing the characteristic polynomial of the p-curvature.
    Proceedings ISSAC'14, pp. 59–66, ACM Press, 2014.
    With Xavier Caruso, Éric Schost: [PDF].

  • Computing necessary integrability conditions for planar parametrized homogeneous potentials.
    Proceedings ISSAC'14, pp. 67–74, ACM Press, 2014.
    With Thierry Combot, Mohab Safey El Din: [PDF].

  • Non-D-finite excursions in the quarter plane.
    Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A, vol. 121, pp. 45–63, 2014.
    With Kilian Raschel, Bruno Salvy: [PDF], [Bibtex].

  • Creative telescoping for rational functions using the Griffiths-Dwork method.
    Proceedings ISSAC'13, pp. 93–100, ACM Press, 2013.
    With Pierre Lairez, Bruno Salvy: [PDF], [BibTex].

  • Complexity Estimates for Two Uncoupling Algorithms.
    Proceedings ISSAC'13, pp. 85–92, ACM Press, 2013.
    With Frédéric Chyzak, Élie de Panafieu: [PDF], [BibTex].

  • Hermite reduction and creative telescoping for hyperexponential functions.
    Proceedings ISSAC'13, pp. 77–84, ACM Press, 2013.
    With Shaoshi Chen, Frédéric Chyzak, Ziming Li, Guoce Xin: [PDF], [BibTex].

  • Ising n-fold integrals as diagonals of rational functions and integrality of series expansions.
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, vol. 46, no. 18, pp. 185202–185245, 2013.
    With Salah Boukraa, Gilles Christol, Saoud Hassani, Jean-Marie Maillard: [PDF], [BibTex].

  • Ising n-fold integrals as diagonals of rational functions and integrality of series expansions: integrality versus modularity.
    Arxiv preprint, 100 pages, 2012.
    With Salah Boukraa, Gilles Christol, Saoud Hassani, Jean-Marie Maillard: [PDF].

  • Quasi-optimal multiplication of linear differential operators.
    Proceedings FOCS'12, pp. 524–530, 2012.
    With Alexandre Benoit, Joris van der Hoeven: [PDF], [Bibtex].

  • Power Series Solutions of Singular (q)-Differential Equations.
    Proceedings ISSAC'12, pp. 107–114, ACM Press, 2012.
    With Muhammad Chowdhury, Romain Lebreton, Bruno Salvy, Éric Schost: [PDF], [BibTex].

  • Fast Computation of Common Left Multiples of Linear Ordinary Differential Operators.
    Proceedings ISSAC'12, pp. 99–106, ACM Press, 2012.
    With Frédéric Chyzak, Ziming Li, Bruno Salvy: [PDF], [BibTex].

  • A binomial-like matrix equation.
    American Mathematical Monthly, vol. 119, pp. 593–597, 2012.
    With Thierry Combot: [PDF], [BibTex].

  • Explicit formula for the generating series of diagonal 3D rook paths.
    Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, vol. 66, pp. 1–27, 2011.
    With Frédéric Chyzak, Mark van Hoeij, Lucien Pech: [PDF], [BibTex].

  • Homotopy techniques for multiplication modulo triangular sets.
    Journal of Symbolic Computation, vol. 46, no. 12, pp. 1378–1402, 2011.
    With Muhammad Chowdhury, Joris van der Hoeven, Éric Schost: [PDF], [BibTex].

  • The Ising model: from elliptic curves to modular forms and Calabi-Yau equations.
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, vol. 44, no. 4, 045204 (44pp), 2011.
    With S. Boukraa, S. Hassani,
    M. van Hoeij, J.-M. Maillard, J.-A. Weil and N. Zenine: [PDF], [BibTex].

  • Generating functions of Chebyshev-like polynomials.
    International Journal of Number Theory, vol. 6, no. 7, pp. 1659–1667, 2010.
    With Bruno Salvy, Khang Tran: [PDF], [BibTex].

  • Wronskians and linear independence.
    American Mathematical Monthly, vol. 117, no. 8, pp. 722–727, 2010.
    With Philippe Dumas: [PDF], [BibTex].

  • Complexity of Creative Telescoping for Bivariate Rational Functions.
    Proceedings ISSAC'10, pp. 203–210, ACM Press, 2010.
    With Shaoshi Chen, Frédéric Chyzak, Ziming Li: [PDF], [BibTex].

  • Renormalization, isogenies and rational symmetries of differential equations.
    Advances in Mathematical Physics, vol. 2010, Article ID 941560, 44 pages, 2010.
    With S. Boukraa, S. Hassani,
    J.-M. Maillard, J.-A. Weil, N. Zenine and N. Abarenkova: [PDF], [BibTex].

  • The complete generating function for Gessel walks is algebraic.
    Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 138, no. 9, pp. 3063–3078, 2010.
    With Manuel Kauers, Mark van Hoeij: [PDF], [BibTex].

  • Fast Conversion Algorithms for Orthogonal Polynomials.
    Linear Algebra and its Applications, vol. 432, no. 1, pp. 249–258, 2010.
    With Bruno Salvy, Éric Schost: [PDF], [BibTex].

  • High order Fuchsian equations for the square lattice Ising model: \tilde{\chi}^{(5)} .
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, vol. 42, no. 27, 275209 (32pp), 2009.
    With S. Boukraa, A. J. Guttmann, S. Hassani, I. Jensen, J.-M. Maillard and N. Zenine: [PDF], [BibTex].

  • Automatic Classification of Restricted Lattice Walks.
    Proceedings FPSAC'09, Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, pp. 201–215, 2009.
    With Manuel Kauers: [PDF], [BibTex].

  • Fast algorithms for differential equations in positive characteristic.
    Proceedings ISSAC'09, pp. 47–54, ACM Press, 2009.
    With Éric Schost: [PDF], [BibTex].

  • Globally nilpotent differential operators and the square Ising model.
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, vol. 42, no. 12, pp. 125206–125255, 2009.
    With S. Boukraa, S. Hassani, J.-M. Maillard, J.-A. Weil and N. Zenine: [PDF], [BibTex].

  • A simple and fast algorithm for computing exponentials of power series.
    Information Processing Letters, vol. 109, no. 13, pp. 754–756, 2009.
    With Éric Schost: [PDF], [BibTex].

  • Solving structured linear systems with large displacement rank.
    Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 407, no. 1–3, pp. 155–181, 2008.
    With Claude-Pierre Jeannerod, Éric Schost: [PDF], [BibTex].

  • Power Series Composition and Change of Basis.
    Proceedings ISSAC'08, pp. 269–276, ACM Press, 2008.
    With Bruno Salvy, Éric Schost: [PDF], [BibTex].

  • Products of Ordinary Differential Operators by Evaluation and Interpolation.
    Proceedings ISSAC'08, pp. 23–30, ACM Press, 2008.
    With Frédéric Chyzak, Nicolas Le Roux: [PDF], [BibTex].

  • Fast algorithms for computing isogenies between elliptic curves.
    Mathematics of Computation, vol. 77, no. 263, pp. 1755–1778, 2008.
    With François Morain, Bruno Salvy, Éric Schost: [PDF], [BibTex].

  • Solving Toeplitz- and Vandermonde-like Linear Systems with Large Displacement Rank.
    Proceedings ISSAC'07, pp. 33–40, ACM Press, 2007.
    With Claude-Pierre Jeannerod, Éric Schost: [PDF], [BibTex].

  • Differential equations for algebraic functions.
    Proceedings ISSAC'07, pp. 25–32, ACM Press, 2007.
    With Frédéric Chyzak, Grégoire Lecerf, Bruno Salvy, Éric Schost: [PDF], [BibTex].

  • Linear recurrences with polynomial coefficients and application to integer factorization and Cartier-Manin operator.
    SIAM Journal on Computing, vol. 36, no. 6, pp. 1777–1806, 2007.
    With Pierrick Gaudry, Éric Schost: [PDF], [BibTex].

  • Fast computation of power series solutions of systems of differential equations.
    Proceedings SODA'07, pp. 1012–1021, SIAM Press, 2007.
    With F. Chyzak, F. Ollivier, B. Salvy, É. Schost, A. Sedoglavic: [PDF], [BibTex].

  • Low Complexity Algorithms for Linear Recurrences.
    Proceedings ISSAC'06, pp. 31–38, ACM Press, 2006.
    With Frédéric Chyzak, Thomas Cluzeau, Bruno Salvy: [PDF], [BibTex].

  • Fast Computation of Special Resultants.
    Journal of Symbolic Computation, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 1–29, 2006.
    With Philippe Flajolet, Bruno Salvy, Éric Schost: [PDF], [BibTex].

  • Fast algorithms for polynomial solutions of linear differential equations.
    Proceedings ISSAC'05, pp. 45–52, ACM Press, 2005.
    With Thomas Cluzeau, Bruno Salvy: [PDF], [BibTex].

  • From Newton sums to coefficients: complexity issues in characteristic p.
    Proceedings MEGA'05, 2005.
    With Laureano González-Vega, Hervé Perdry, Éric Schost: [PDF], [BibTex].

  • Polynomial evaluation and interpolation on special sets of points.
    Journal of Complexity, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 420–446, 2005.
    With Éric Schost: [PDF], [BibTex].

  • Linear recurrences with polynomial coefficients and computation of the Cartier-Manin operator on hyperelliptic curves.
    Proceedings Fq7, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2948, pp. 40–58, Springer, 2004.
    With Pierrick Gaudry, Éric Schost: [PDF], [BibTeX].

  • On the complexities of multipoint evaluation and interpolation.
    Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 329, issues 1–3, pp. 223–235, 2004.
    With Éric Schost: [PDF], [BibTex].

  • Complexity issues in bivariate polynomial factorization.
    Proceedings ISSAC'04, pp. 42–49, ACM Press, 2004.
    With Grégoire Lecerf, Bruno Salvy, Éric Schost, Bernd Wiebelt: [PDF], [BibTex].

  • Tellegen's Principle into Practice.
    Proceedings ISSAC'03, pp. 37–44, ACM Press, 2003.
    With Grégoire Lecerf, Éric Schost: [PDF], [BibTeX].
    ISSAC 2003 Distinguished Student Author Award.

  • Fast Algorithms for Zero-Dimensional Polynomial Systems Using Duality.
    Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 239–272, 2003.
    With Bruno Salvy, Éric Schost: [PDF], [BibTeX].

  • Teaching
  • Efficient Algorithms in Computer Algebra.
    Lectures given at the Parisian Master of Research in Computer Science (MPRI) since 2006.
    Webpage of the course: C-2-22.

  • Modern Algorithms for Symbolic Summation and Integration.
    Lectures given at the Theoretical Computer Science Master at ENS Lyon since 2019.
    Webpage of the course: CR-03.

  • Efficient experimental mathematics for combinatorics and number theory.
    Lectures given at the Vienna Summer School of Mathematics in Weissensee from 23 to 27 September 2019.
    Webpage of the course.
    Slides of the lectures: I (Context, Motivation, Examples), II (Experimental Mathematics for Combinatorics), III (Inside the Experimental Math. Toolbox). Exercises: I, II,

  • Algebraicity and transcendence of power series: combinatorial and computational aspects.
    Lectures given at the 3rd Algorithmic and Enumerative Combinatorics Summer School (AEC) 2016 (Hagenberg, Austria) from 1st to 5 August 2016.
    Webpage of the course.
    Slides of the lectures: I (Context and Examples), II (Properties and Criteria, 1), III (Properties and Criteria, 2), IV (Algorithmic Proofs of Algebraicity), V (Transcendence in Lattice Path Combinatorics). Exercises: I, II,

  • Computer Algebra for Lattice Path Combinatorics.
    Lectures given at the 74th Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire (Ellwangen, Germany) from 23 to 25 March 2015.
    Slides of the lectures: I (General presentation), II (Guess'n'Prove), III (Creative telescoping).

  • Computer algebra for combinatorics.
    Lectures given at the ALEA Days 2012 (CIRM, Luminy, France).
    With Bruno Salvy.
    Slides of the lectures: I, II. Practical work session: exercises, solutions.

  • Algorithmes rapides pour les polynômes, séries formelles et matrices.
    Notes (in French) of the lectures delivered at the Journées Nationales du Calcul Formel 2010 (CIRM, Luminy, France).
    Les cours du CIRM, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 75–262, 2010.
    Slides: [PDF], [BibTex].

  • D-finitude: algorithmes et applications.
    Notes (in French) of the lectures delivered at the École Jeunes Chercheurs Informatique Mathématique 2007.
    With Bruno Salvy and Frédéric Chyzak.
    Slides: [PDF].

  • Theses
  • Accreditation to supervise research (HDR, Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches).
    Defended on 15 December 2017 at the University Paris 13.
    HDR thesis and slides of the defense.

  • PhD thesis under the supervision of Marc Giusti and Bruno Salvy.
    Defended on 9 December 2003 at École polytechnique.
    Best PhD thesis award 2004 of the French Computer Science Association (AFIF).
    Best PhD thesis award 2004 of École polytechnique.
    PhD thesis
    , summary, table of contents and slides of the defense.