Hadrien Notarantonio

PhD in Computer Algebra at Université Paris-Saclay.

INTERESTS: Algebraic Functional Equations, Combinatorics, Effective Algebraic Geometry.

PHD ADVISORS: A. Bostan, F. Chyzak, and M. Safey El Din.

AFFILIATED TEAMS: MATHEXP (Inria Saclay) & PolSys (Sorbonne Université).

CV: [short CV, french version]
Mail: prenom.nom@inria.fr



(Click here to access the GitHub repository of DDE-Solver)


  1. DDE-Solver: a Maple package for Discrete Differential Equations.
    Submitted, 20 pages, [pdf]

  2. Systems of Discrete Differential Equations, Constructive Algebraicity of the Solutions (with S. Yurkevich).
    This is the long version of the FPSAC extended abstract entitled
    "Effective algebraicity for solutions of systems of functional equations with one catalytic variable", Submitted, 30 pages, [pdf]


  1. Effective algebraicity for solutions of systems of functional equations with one catalytic variable (with S. Yurkevich).
    Proceedings FPSAC'23, 12 pages, Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, [pdf] (Talk at FPSAC'23)

  2. Fast Algorithms for Discrete Differential Equations (with A. Bostan and M. Safey El Din).
    Proceedings ISSAC'23, pp.80–89, ACM Press, 2023. [pdf]

  3. Algorithms for Discrete Differential Equations of Order 1 (with A. Bostan, F. Chyzak, and M. Safey El Din).
    Proceedings ISSAC'22, pp.101–110, ACM Press, 2022. [pdf]


  1. (2023-2024) One of the 8 elected representatives of my doctoral school EDMH.

  2. (2022-2024) Co-organizing the MATHEXP-Polsys seminar.


  1. Talk: Journées Nationales de Calcul Formel (JNCF) 2024

  2. Talk: Journées de Combinatoire de Bordeaux 2024 [pdf]

  3. Pitch: Les rencontres MathTech 2024

  4. Talk: GT Combinatoire et Intéractions [pdf]

  5. Talk: (Recent Trends in Computer Algebra) Topical day: Elimination for Functional Equations [slides]

  6. Talk: Combinatorics and Arithmetic for Physics: special days 2023 [video]

  7. Talk: Recent Trends in Computer Algebra: related event

  8. Talk: International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC) 2023 [slides]

  9. Talk: Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC) 2023 [slides] [video]

  10. Talk: Journées Nationales de Calcul Formel (JNCF) 2023 [slides]

  11. Lecture (part 1 + part 2): On the algebraicity of solutions of functional equations with one catalytic variable. GT Transcendance et Combinatoire.

  12. Talk: International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC) 2022 [slides]

  13. Talk: Functional Equations in LIMoges (FELIM) 2022 [slides]

  14. Talk: Alea days 2022 [slides]



  1. Mathématiques discrètes for Licence 2nd year students at Sorbonne Université (2023 → 2024)

  2. Data structures for Licence 2nd year students at Sorbonne Université (2021 → 2023)