Frédéric Chyzak

(senior researcher)     ORCID iD     HAL iconfrederic-chyzak

Research Interests

I am a researcher at Inria, in the team MATHEXP (an evolution of SPECFUN). My general domain of interest is Computer Algebra, that is, the design of fast algebraic algorithms on representations of mathematical objects in the computer.


I have coauthored a book on “Efficient Algorithms in Computer Algebra” (in French). You can order an inexpensive copy of it, or download a (legal) electronic version with identical contents, but enhanced by colors and hyperlinks. See the book webpage.

Publications, Talks

See my list of publications in full or by categories. There is also a list of talks I've given.

Additional material, related to publications:

And here is my list of coauthors.


My main activity in (research) software concerns Maple packages to perform symbolic summation and integration of special functions, namely Mgfun and related packages, as well as the generation of the online dictionary of special functions, DDMF. I have written part or all of what follows. (Dates of last release between parentheses.)

Current Students

Students I've Advised

Post-docs and More Visitors I've Worked With

Teaching Activities

From 2005 to 2022, I have taught a yearly course in computer algebra in the MPRI (a former version of the current course). I co-authored a related book!

I have also taught 8 years at École Polytechnique, including a course on computer algebra (M1 level).

See also


Since 2012, my office is in the Inria Research Centre of Saclay, located in Palaiseau (building Alan Turing on École Polytechnique campus, full address at the bottom). See it on a map. Before that, I have worked for more than 15 years in the Inria Research Centre at Rocquencourt, ancestor of the current Paris centre.

Frédéric Chyzak, Centre Inria de Saclay, Bât. Alan Turing, 1 rue Honoré d'Estienne d'Orves, 91120 Palaiseau, France
Tel: +33 1 69 35 69 74