Frédéric Chyzak's Talks
Here is a selection of talks, invited talks, software demos, and lectures I've given.
First-order factors of linear Mahler operators (2023).
Talk at the workshop
Fundamental Algorithms and Algorithmic Complexity,
part of Recent Trends in Computer Algebra 2023 (Paris, France).
Preliminary version presented as a seminar talk at
KLMM, AMSS, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing, China).
[ pdf ]
A Gröbner-basis theory for divide-and-conquer recurrences (2020).
Talk at the conference
ISSAC'20 (Kalamata, Greece).
[ pdf |
movie ]
Becker's conjecture on Mahler functions (2019).
Talk at the conference
Differential Galois Theory in Strasbourg (Strasbourg).
Also presented at the conference
Équations Fonctionnelles et Interactions
and during a Seminar on Symbolic Computation at the
Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences
(Beijing, China).
[ pdf ]
Generalized Hermite reduction, creative telescoping, and definite integration of D-finite functions (2020).
Talk at the
10th international workshop on Differential Algebra and Related Topics
(New York, USA).
Also presented as a talk
Algorithmic Combinatorics Seminar (Research Institute for Symbolic Computation, Linz).
Earlier versions were presented at the
6th Summer School in Symbolic Computation
(Chongqing, China)
and at the
RAIM 2018 (10èmes Rencontres Arithmétiques du GDR Informatique Mathématique)
(LRI, Gif-sur-Yvette).
[ pdf ]
Tandem walks and Łukasiewicz walks: Bijections and variations (2018).
Talk at the seminar
Combinatoire énumérative et analytique (IRIF, Paris).
An earlier version was presented at the
Plateau Saclay Combinatorics Seminar
and a shorter one at
Journées Nationales 2018 du GDR Informatique Mathématique
(École polytechnique, Palaiseau).
[ pdf ]
Computing solutions of linear Mahler equations (2017).
Talk at the workshop
Computer Algebra in Combinatorics
(ESI, Universität Wien).
Similar talks were presented at the second
International Conference Computer Algebra in Moscow
(Dorodnicyn Computing Center and Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow)
and at
FELIM 2016
(Université de Limoges).
[ pdf ]
Un algorithme en ligne pour une bijection entre des classes de marches
Nord – Ouest – Sud-Est (2016). Talk at
Journées Combinatoires Franco-Vancouvéroises
(UBC + SFU, Vancouver).
[ pdf ]
Computations of hypergeometric generating series for small-step walks in
the quarter plane (2020). Talk at
Journées de Combinatoire de Bordeaux
Previous versions were presented
at the conference
Transient Transcendence in Transylvania
(Brașov, Romania, 2019),
at the
Séminaire Philippe Flajolet
(Institut Henri Poincaré, 2015),
at the
Workshop on Symbolic Combinatorics and Computational Differential Algebra
(Fields Institute), at
FELIM 2015
(Université de Limoges), and the meeting
Journées nationales de Calcul formel 2014
[ pdf
| appendix ]
A computer-algebra-based formal proof of the irrationality
of ζ(3) (2014). Invited talk at
MAP 2014 (Mathematics, Algorithms, and Proofs),
Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, May 26–30, 2014.
[ pdf ]
L'ABC du télescopage créatif: Algorithmes, bornes, complexités (2014).
Habilitation defense. [ pdf ]
Holonomic summation and integration (2012).
Lecture at the research school
Integration, Summation and Special Functions in Quantum Field Theory,
RISC, Linz, July 9–13, 2012.
[ pdf |
Maple session |
Maple session (pdf) ]
Using Camlp4 for presenting dynamic mathematics on the web (2011).
Talk at the conference
ICFP 2011.
[ pdf ]
Dynamic Dictionary of Mathematical Functions (DDMF) (2011).
I have given a number of software demos of DDMF,
with contents based on variants of the following slides.
[ pdf ].
The main occasions were:
the Sage Days 24 (Linz, 2010),
a workshop at CoSBi (Trento, 2010),
the second Microsoft Research-Inria Forum (Issy-les-Moulineaux, 2011),
the conference FoCM'11 (Budapest, 2011),
the conference OPSFA-13 (Gaithersburg, 2015).
Creative telescoping for parametrised integration and summation
(2011). Lecture at the meeting
Journées nationales de Calcul formel 2011,
CIRM, Luminy, November 14–18, 2011.
[ slides (pdf) |
lecture notes (pdf) ]
Explicit formula for the generating series of diagonal 3D rook paths
(2010). Presented at the international conference
Renaissance of Combinatorics: Advances, Algorithms, Applications,
in honor of Doron Zeilberger's 60th birthday,
at Nankai University, Tianjin, China, August 14-17, 2010.
[ pdf ]
Algorithmique symbolique pour les fonctions spéciales [in
French] (2010). Lecture at the workshop
Algorithmique et programmation 2010,
CIRM, Luminy, May 10, 2010.
[ html ]
A non-holonomic systems approach to special function identities (2008).
Presented at
ISSAC'09 (Seoul, Korea).
[ pdf ]
Products of ordinary differential operators by evaluation and interpolation (2008).
Presented at ISSAC'08 (Linz): [ pdf ]
D-finiteness: Algorithms and applications [together with Alin Bostan and Bruno Salvy] (2007).
Presented at the research school
École Jeunes chercheurs en Informatique mathématique.
[ html ]
Sommation symbolique (2003). Presented at the research school
École Jeunes chercheurs en Algorithmique et Calcul formel.
[ color ps.gz ]
Calculs effectifs de fonctions symétriques différentiellement
finies (2003). Presented at the meeting
Journées nationales de Calcul formel 2003.
[ color ps.gz ]
Algorithmic proof of combinatorial identities of holonomic
type (2000). Presented at the workshop on Computational Algebraic Analysis
(MSRI): [ slides
and movie ]
Symbolic manipulation, summation, and integration of special
functions and combinatorial sequences (The holonomic approach)
(1999). Invited talk at ISSAC'99 (Vancouver): [ color ps.gz | bw ps.gz ]. Shortened
version of the next item.
Holonomic Functions in Computer Algebra, Slides for a Series of
Talks (1999). Research Report no. 99-06 of
the Austrian project SFB F013,
Numerical and Symbolic Scientific Computing, Peter Paule
and Franz Winkler, Eds. Preliminary version: [ color ps.gz | bw ps.gz | color gif | bw gif ]
Gröbner bases, symbolic summation, and symbolic integration (1998).
Invited tutorial at the international conference 33 Years of Gröbner Bases.
[ pdf ]