PhD's web site | dcfun | Publications | MathExp Team |
dcfun |
Installation |
Documentation |
The package dcfun is distributed under the GNU license GPLv3.
dcfun 0.0.0 (January 2024)
The package is provided as a compressed archive file
Downloading and uncompressing it somewhere in your home directory,
results in a directory dcfun
For an easier installation, the package is provided as
the Maple archive dcfun.mla
Put it where you want,
and if dcfun_path
is that location, set the variable
so that Maple knows how to find dcfun,
by libname := "dcfun_path", libname;
If all works well, the Maple command
will answer the version number (as a matter of fact a string) above.
The source of the package is provided under dcfun/src/
You will find help pages for the exported procedures of the package in the documentation part of the web site. You also will find there tutorials to guide you through your first steps in using dcfun.
For an offline read of the documentation,
you can use your favorite browser to open the file
, which gives you the help available on the
documentation page.
The help pages are frozen Jupyter notebooks. If, in addition to
Maple, Jupyter is installed on your desktop / laptop
(see Jupyter),
then the Jupyter notebooks are accessible
in the directory dcfun/nb/
You will need to install Maple as a kernel
Kernels for Jupyter).
Note that the translation from notebooks to html pages
is not perfect
and the results of the computations are not always displayed well.
In the help pages in notebook format, we have defined the path for accessing Maple as follows
libname := libname, FileTools:-JoinPath(["maple","lib","dcfun.mla"],base=homedir):
in the directory <your homedir>/maple/lib/
or to cleverly modify the string
in all notebook files.
Some of the computations related to the solving of Riccati Mahler
equations need the use of the computer algebra system
(We resort to Singular
as Maple does not provide the user with an absolute prime decomposition of
a polynomial ideal.)
You can test that Singular is seen from Maple with the Maple command
ssystem("which Singular");
See the help pages of
LMOpSolve and
for more details about the use of Singular by the package.
I warmly thank Frédéric Chyzak for his constant support in this project, Bruno Salvy for his enlightened advice, and Marc Mezzarobba for his help in setting up the link with Singular.